Since i started getting onto allingnment with my highest intentions and also joining the live state training and meditations I can already tell that I am Staying more emotionally stable and not so easily triggered by others or situations as much as I may have been before, If I do feel lower emotional states throughout the day I use that as a signal to focus on my intentions on feeling good and I feel all around more calm. I feel I can communicate and express myself more easily when I stay in alligngment and it's easy to let go of all the upsets this way also. I have recently been catching myself laughing out loud at things that may have upset me before and just laughing more in general throughout the day.
Just wanted to share some personal insight of the growth I have gained in a short time here.
Dustin Berry
The Wing Chun Family
🧘‍♂️ Making Kung Fu & Meditation Education Available to Everyone 🥷
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