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Meditation & State Training is happening in 3 days
My wrist stretch
New comment 4h ago
Good morning Guys Just wanted to share a bit of my training this past week. I have meditated on this, and have decided to slow down my training and focus on a specific movement or form. To better understand the importance or. Mechanics of each. So I have decided to start at the beginning, STANCE! Since we are always so busy I dedicated 20min standing in WC stance... Because I believe for me at least the secret is understanding the basic mechanics first, thanks to something that Sifu John said in one of the videos. I have always been a dabbler of wing chun, and I have practiced various forms of martial arts. My revelation has come to be that martial arts as whole is a puzzle. That has different pieces, that once collected makes this beautiful art form, a completed art form. Hence when we practice we are in a constant exchange of knowledge. We improve to improve. @Sifu you've made such a difference and I'm only in the beginning phase. Thank you
New comment 6h ago
Slow forms 😁
These are two attempts at doing the first form once in in half an hour, as in trying to do the form so slowly that it takes half an hour 😁
9 members have voted
New comment 1d ago
I’ve been training in Catch Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu with my dear friend and coach @Harry Grech aka Harry ‘Kimura’ for a couple of years now. I have learnt so much about the grappling arts, fighting and martial arts from this legend. Every time we spar I learn a great deal, and it forces me to get into state in a deeper way since it’s a different ruleset. He has started a community where he is putting in awesome grappling and martial arts content. Jump in and check it out. As a martial artist it requires you are aware of other styles and their approaches. Do yourself a favour and jump in: Have you done any grappling arts?
New comment 2d ago
Muscle,skeletal and Energy
Just a quick one. I don't have a training partner😢. So I thought instead of pushing against a wall i will give this the ultimate test......push ups. I have never been able to do them properly, 5 and I'm blowing out my arse! Well, I've surprised myself, with energy and rotation, it works. Why didn't I have this school 40plus years ago? Have a great day/night my beautiful famalam❤🇬🇧🙏
New comment 3d ago
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