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The Wing Chun Family

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The Wing Chun Academy

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61 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
What holds up spiritual growth? 🙋
I absolutely love this teacher – Dr David Hawkins. His teachings around spirituality and Letting Go/surrender are infused into Sifu Johns teachings and State training. He explains that the biggest block to spiritual growth is resistance! This makes so much sense as whenever we have a negative emotion arise, the common response is to resist it either via suppression or distraction, etc. This actually keeps the negative energy stuck in place rather than letting it go so that we can be free of it. For as long as we continue to resist/hold on we will continue to have to keep dealing with the negative emotion as it will keep coming up until we let it go. I would highly recommend reading this book – Letting Go by Dr David Hawkins for anyone wanting to let go of negative energy/emotions and evolve spiritually.
New comment 6h ago
What holds up spiritual growth? 🙋
1 like • 14h
I have the power Vs Force book, I will get the letting go next
Introduction to Wing Chun community
Hello everyone i'm Kerwin from Mauritius Island ... and i'm so happy to be here to start my wing chun training.
New comment 5h ago
2 likes • 20h
Hello Kerwin, welcome to the family. Are you new to wing chun?
1 like • 14h
@Kerwin Gaetan Tambanivoule I am new to. So far so good, I really enjoy meditation and practicing state, it's only been about 4 weeks and the noticeable changes it has made within and around me. I wish you a great journey on this new path🙏
If you could be any character from a movie for a day, who would you be? ✨
I'd like to be a character in a Star Wars film. Probably named Yinyara (Yin Yang energy inspired) or something like that: a Sith to Jedi's journey 💛🖤✨ Let me know yours in the comments 👇 and feel free to come up with a storyline too LOL! Be as fun and creative as you like
New comment 20h ago
If you could be any character from a movie for a day, who would you be? ✨
1 like • 20h
Hands down, Bruce Lee. I would be great at kung fu for a day!!
Drop a go-to Feel Good song in the comments 👇
Here's one of mine: Ever After - Bonnie Bailey 😌🎧🎵
New comment 18h ago
Drop a go-to Feel Good song in the comments 👇
1 like • 20h
Tough one, I can't choose just one. Anything from, Alabama shakes, Eddie Vedder, David bowie, rod Stuart, Cher, Tina Turner, yusek, crikey this list will go on forever.....I just put shuffle on my playlists and get that magical song, you know the one that makes you say "TUNE" and start dancing like dirty dancing meets Grease with some air grabs thrown in for squits and giggles
Muscle,skeletal and Energy
Just a quick one. I don't have a training partner😢. So I thought instead of pushing against a wall i will give this the ultimate test......push ups. I have never been able to do them properly, 5 and I'm blowing out my arse! Well, I've surprised myself, with energy and rotation, it works. Why didn't I have this school 40plus years ago? Have a great day/night my beautiful famalam❤🇬🇧🙏
New comment 3d ago
4 likes • 7d
@Michael Amiet ahhhhh spinning scissor kick
1 like • 3d
@Noah Cogan woahhhh there kiddo handstands.........I'm 45 next weekend..... I might attempt learning the handstand when I'm better at state and centering, I think it will help....Who knows
1-10 of 61
Jess Mills
1,404points to level up
I'm Jess, from the UK, near Stonehenge wanted to learn wing chun since a friend challenged me to get past his blocking. Excited, so Let's get started.

Active 11h ago
Joined Jun 4, 2024
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