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Meditation & State Training is happening in 3 days
Gratitude and appreciation ♥️
My focus in training today will be to stay aligned with my highest Intention. My highest Intention is Gratitude. Everything I approach today I will have a since of Gratitude and appreciation ♥️ I change my words, accept for I have to go to work I use the words I Get to go to work. I get to smile and be happy. We are very fortunate that we have a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. I love the opportunity to see work colleagues and happy I have good health in my body. I'm grateful for the Wing Chun Family and the opportunity to train with all of you. ✌️😀💯 What are you focused on today for your training? What is your highest Intention? Sending Peace, Love, Joy and Gratitude to everyone ♥️👊🔥
New comment 1h ago
What miracles have you experienced?
Life is full of magic and miracles happen every day, big and small. I am playing with life and having fun… Everything is energy and we are all connected.. We have the ability to influence people and situations around us via our thoughts and energy… We have the ability to manifest things in a heartbeat. We can literally think something and have it show up in our world almost spontaneously.. We have the ability to heal ourselves!! We are conscious creators and can literally create the life that we want and have all of our desires/wishes come true ❤️ How do you see the ‘magic’ playing out in your world ? What kind of synchronicities do you notice? Share away 🌈
New comment 5h ago
What miracles have you experienced?
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Click here to book your free 1-1 Wing Chun Discovery call → Book a call with one of our Wing Chun & Mediation coaches to achieve your self-improvement and self defence goals faster. Get get some guidance about getting the most out of your training. We only have limited spots available, so book your spot now before they run out! (New openings every week) We can't wait to meet you and serve you 😊 Book your 1-1 onboarding call here: Wing Chun & Meditation Discovery Call Sifu John PS: Comment "I Booked" below and let us know what you want to get from the call and we might have a special gift for you on the call ☯️
New comment 6h ago
❤️ Book Your Free 1-1 Wing Chun & Meditation Discovery Call
What holds up spiritual growth? 🙋
I absolutely love this teacher – Dr David Hawkins. His teachings around spirituality and Letting Go/surrender are infused into Sifu Johns teachings and State training. He explains that the biggest block to spiritual growth is resistance! This makes so much sense as whenever we have a negative emotion arise, the common response is to resist it either via suppression or distraction, etc. This actually keeps the negative energy stuck in place rather than letting it go so that we can be free of it. For as long as we continue to resist/hold on we will continue to have to keep dealing with the negative emotion as it will keep coming up until we let it go. I would highly recommend reading this book – Letting Go by Dr David Hawkins for anyone wanting to let go of negative energy/emotions and evolve spiritually.
New comment 7h ago
What holds up spiritual growth? 🙋
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Watch the video below for important information First: Book your free 1-1 Wing Chun & Meditation discovery call here ---> CLASSROOM: - Step By Step Curriculum: Learn Wing Chun & Meditation RULES: - No promotions in comments or DM's allowed. - Help keep the community clean. Report spam or inappropriate posts to the admins by clicking the three dots at top right of posts. Your Next Step: Comment below on this post and introduce yourself. - What’s your name & where are you from? - Are you interested in Martial Arts, Mediation or both? - What are you hoping to learn from this group? Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself!
New comment 14h ago
🥋 Welcome To The Wing Chun Family (Start Here)
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