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Alternate to pullups?
What are the aternate to pullups or pull routine at home ?i dont have a pullupbar or dip bar and i cant even buy one so what exercises i should do on pull routine ?
New comment 8h ago
What is your current goal in fitness?
After my bulk I lost majority of my calisthenics skills because of the weight gain. Right now I'm training to achieve the one arm handstand. What about you?
83 members have voted
New comment 10h ago
any tips to build good looking abs?
So I'm kinda new to working out I've been doing it for a year now still dont have too much knowledge with everything and I was wondering how I could build some good looking abs, currently im lacking ab muscles and I have visible abs on only one side how can i fix this /or which exercise? I dont really have a good diet either. I workout from home with no equipment so I do 300 pushups or 100 pullups every other day (I'll switch between the two) while getting 10-15k steps few days a week. I'm currently at 62 kg bulking. Thank you for reading I would appreciate any tips!
New comment 15h ago
any tips to build good looking abs?
Trouble with Pull ups
how can I clean up my pullup form and target mainly lats? rn I feel pull ups more on biceps, forearms and teres mayor, but not too much on lats my form is quite good, but even then my lats are barely even targetted, and sometimes I get too quick of a fatigue build up
New comment 16h ago
neck training
How important is training neck in calisthenics, would I be more prone to injury if I don't train it? Just asking out of curiosity as I just saw an AlphaDestiny video on neck training.
neck training
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