Mock Call Recording 3/9 Take Aways
First, I just wanna say I am super stoked about the schedule change for earlier calls, thank you guys:)
Great job to everyone who participated. Here are my take aways from the recording:
  • When dealing with B2B scenarios, keep the conversation aligned with business objectives, however, pay attention to personal info shared as they can reveal deeper motivations.
  • If personal details (like family) are mentioned towards the end of a statement, it often indicates their importance. Pay attention to these cues, as they can be crucial in building rapport and understanding deeper motivations.
  • Ask open-ended questions like "What will 20k allow you to do?" to let the prospect guide the conversation. This helps reveal whether their goals are business or personal-oriented.
  • Track (put a pin in) and strategically revisit key conversation points
  • Use strategic pushback when necessary. Like questioning why they wouldn't continue with a method that's already working (e.g., word of mouth) can help uncover deeper needs or hesitations.
Angelica Dioso-Lopez
Mock Call Recording 3/9 Take Aways
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