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Sales Alliance Academy Premium

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24 contributions to Sales Alliance Academy Premium
Mock Call Recording 3/9 Take Aways
First, I just wanna say I am super stoked about the schedule change for earlier calls, thank you guys:) Great job to everyone who participated. Here are my take aways from the recording: - When dealing with B2B scenarios, keep the conversation aligned with business objectives, however, pay attention to personal info shared as they can reveal deeper motivations. - If personal details (like family) are mentioned towards the end of a statement, it often indicates their importance. Pay attention to these cues, as they can be crucial in building rapport and understanding deeper motivations. - Ask open-ended questions like "What will 20k allow you to do?" to let the prospect guide the conversation. This helps reveal whether their goals are business or personal-oriented. - Track (put a pin in) and strategically revisit key conversation points - Use strategic pushback when necessary. Like questioning why they wouldn't continue with a method that's already working (e.g., word of mouth) can help uncover deeper needs or hesitations.
Sales Lab 8/29 Key Take Aways
Learned so much as always! Great call, thank you Dylan. Setting and Holding the Frame 1. Setting the Frame -Purpose: Establish the content and expectations of the call, guiding the conversation and inviting the prospect to see your point of view (perspective control). This involves creating both emotional and psychological influence, which sets the overall tone of the conversation. - Key Traits to Demonstrate: Show qualities you would want to see if you were on the other end, such as enthusiasm, humility, organization, and respect. First impressions are lasting impressions. - Script Exception: Setting Frame - Importance: The prospect will have a mental frame going into the call, so by setting the frame, you guide their expectations and establish the flow of the conversation. 2. What Not to Say: - Avoid Phrasing Questions That Give an Out: Don’t end with questions like, "Is it okay if we jump right into things?" This can give the prospect an opportunity to take control or opt-out and can signal lack of confidence. - Start directly with a discovery question to engage them and establish authority from the beginning. 3. Types of Frames: - Macro: The overall psychological framework that sets up the entire call of how the conversation should flow. - Micro: The smaller, individual perspectives or approaches the prospect brings into the call. 4. Holding the Frame: 1. Validate with energy 2. Reframe 3. Ask a question to loop back into the frame.
New comment 18d ago
I’m a newbie!
Hi all! I’m making a later in life career change and I’m so excited to be part of this group. Looking forward to learning from and with you.
New comment 19d ago
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Welcome Laurie!
Mindset in Sales Group Call Recording
Hey Guys! My apologies for the late notice of the early call! Tonight call we talked about the mindset that no one talks about! I look forward to hearing your guys thoughts on this.. And DONT forget to post your post call takeaways in the chat! Happy Hunting 🦈
New comment 22d ago
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Thanks for the call today Maddie! Take aways: Remove expectations and concentrate on genuinely helping the person on the other end of the call. Continually ask yourself, 'Will this help them?'. As Cristhian said, focus on your personal growth and values, allowing them to guide your approach and drive your success in sales. “When your values become shallow, your victories become empty”
Live Call Update 12:00 PM EST!!
Hey Guys! A few of you know I had very last minute plans to Orlando! With a lot going on at the moment I will be moving the call to 12:00 PM EST I hope to see you there!
New comment 22d ago
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Thanks for letting us know Maddie!
1-10 of 24
Angelica Dioso-Lopez
90points to level up
On a sales journey..

Active 8h ago
Joined Jul 10, 2024
Poznan, Poland
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