I thought I was going to fail 🫣
I first started in sales when a friend mentioned to me that I should try it (it wasnt my idea at first). A few weeks later I ended up buying the sales course from Iman Gadhzi (I don't reccomend it)
That program was geared towards people who wanted to learn closing..however with having no experience I was all levels of confused. However while I was there, there was this coach that genuinely taught sales super well and I wanted to learn everything from him, and be just as good as him in sales (genuinely the top .01% of sales reps)
In the first five months of starting I was on five different offers and make about $1000 total... I was honestly wanting to give up, especially since the person I was looking up to was leaving the program I was in...I was honestly really sad
But I didn't want to wast the initial investment I made and kept looking at the future and what I could build for myself and my family.
The coach ended up creating a community of his own and I joined right away and over time I would bug the living crap out of him because now I had a direct line to him... I then landed an offer that he was a sales manager for and he then took me under his wing and became my mentor.
Over the next 5 months he would help me land an insane offer, meet the most insane people possible, became my best friend and ultimately helped me get to where I am now.
I say this to all of you to hold onto the journey and work really hard on networking (especially with the right people). Sales IS a game of networking, and a game of communication. The better you start to get the more you start to win. Without JJ genuinely I would not be where I am at now, and would especially not be in the friend group I am in now that pushes me to be better everyday.
For you who are reading this, while the group is small and while I have time on my hands reach out to me, bug me, and get access to me (and not just me even other people who are in this group and other groups). You CAN ask me to hop on a call with you to answer any questions you have, you CAN have my phone number and call me whenever you have a question about your sales processes.
The ability to network with the right people is what takes achievers to great winners.. use it to your benefit (even if you are bugging the living crap out of them) because those people are going to be taking you to the places you want to go.
Go out there and kick some butt... HAPPY HUNTING 😈
Madison DeCoste
I thought I was going to fail 🫣
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