Dylan’s Dark Magic | Active Listening
1. **Leakages**: This happens when someone's thoughts unintentionally leak into their speech. For example, a secretary says she'll "fly by" the manager's office, unconsciously revealing that she's thinking about the manager being on holiday. This leakage occurs because the brain filters out most words but sometimes lets unintended ones slip through, revealing hidden thoughts.
2. **Relation or Distance**: The way people position words in a sentence can reveal the emotional closeness or priority of ideas. For instance, saying "I bought a dress with the husband" versus "Me and my husband went shopping and I bought a dress" shows different levels of importance or emotional connection between the events or people involved.
3. **Missing Language**: If someone consistently uses articles like "I," "my," or "then" but skips them in certain parts of the story, it can suggest they are deliberately hiding something.
Jordan Lyne
Dylan’s Dark Magic | Active Listening
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