Oct '23 (edited) in General discussion
The Neglect
Do you agree with the statement: “I haven’t given enough attention to my neck, which may be my most vulnerable body part." It’s common for people to focus on the more prominent muscle groups like the chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, abs, and glutes. How many of us prioritize neck strength training? Very few people probably do. I’m guilty of inconsistency in this area myself. If you’re part of the minority who does not train their neck and traps 2-3 times a week, it's time to prioritize and execute!
  1. What are your thoughts on this topic?
  2. Can KB training (swings and getups) effectively strengthen the muscles in the neck region to provide maximum protection?
  3. Do you value your cervical region enough to prioritize its' training?
Here's a simple yet deceptively challenging program to start with, courtesy of Jailhouse Strong:
This exercise is a popular technique used by Brazilian jiu-jitsu and judo fighters, originating from some of Brazil’s toughest neighborhoods. It is a low-impact movement that can improve function and form, including facial features. Start by lying on your back and lifting your head to perform the exercise. Bring your chin to your chest for 40 repetitions, then turn your head to the left and repeat for another 40 repetitions. Do the same on the right side. Next, touch your left ear to your left shoulder for 40 repetitions, then repeat on the right side. You can go through this circuit 2 to 3 times for maximum results. This exercise strengthens the neck muscles, making it useful for grapplers in the clinch and protecting against choke attempts. It can also tone the jaw, helping to define a square jawline and reduce the appearance of a double chin. (Bryant & benShea, 2019, pp. 74-75)
  1. Bryant, J., & benShea, A. (2019). Jailhouse strong: Tactical shield training. Independently published.
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The Neglect
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