12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 12)
👉 You can read the nicely formatted version here!
### Status
* 🟢 Impressions 2k (+21%)
* 🟠 MRR $49.29 (+3.38%)
### Tactics
In line with my aim last week, I implemented a new feature and added analytics tracking. I just added the MVP version of the feature, and if it’s something that people actually use, I will spend more time improving it!
### Wins
* My app was featured in a newsletter by a content creator who I look up to. That’s really cool!
* Redesigned a main screen of the app, and am really happy with how it looks.
### Next
My aim was $50 MRR in twelve weeks, and I got so close! Technically, the last week hasn’t finished yet, so I might still make it 😄
Regardless, I can say that without this challenge, I would have gotten nowhere as close. It pushed me to do uncomfortable things that paid off. I was also really motivated by seeing all your comments, thank you!
Next up is taking some time to reflect, and seeing what worked and what didn’t. I might share some of these reflections here in the future.
Thank you once again for your reading and commenting. You’re awesome! Good luck on your goals, and may you go blessed into the next year!
Joschua Glau
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 12)
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