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19 contributions to Indie App Dev Forum
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 10+11)
Previous: Week 0 (Introduction), Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5+6, Week 7, Week 8+9 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – > You can read the nicely formatted version here
New comment 1d ago
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@Zan Cerne Thank you so much!
1 like • 1d
@Aivars Meijers Thank you! Your advice has been really helpful!
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 12)
Previous: Week 0 (Introduction), Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5+6, Week 7, Week 8+9, Week 10+11 👉 You can read the nicely formatted version here
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 8+9)
Previous: Week 0 (Introduction), Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5+6, Week 7 ### Status * Week 8 * 🟠 Impressions 2.4k (-3%) * 🟢 MRR $27 (+150%) * Week 9 * 🟢 Impressions 1.8k (+36%) * 🟢 MRR $33.85 (+25%) ### Tactics last week * ✅ Spend 5hrs on next feature release * ❌ Review if tactics need scaling * 🟠 Reach out to 3 content creators ### Wins * Shipped a new release with an overhaul of a core functionality * I’m getting a lot of great suggestions from my user Discord! * Fixed a long-standing bug – again with the help of a user. ### Next I’ve got two more weeks to hit my target of $50 MRR. I need around 16 new subscribers to hit the target. I’ve got nine subscribers on a free trial at the moment. Usually, I get ~5 new trials per week. So, it should be doable. On the other hand, I’m starting to get a bit tired of marketing. I’ve come to the end of content creators to reach out to, posted on the major social media platforms, and promoted in other places. I’m not sure how much more I can do to increase traffic! Thank you all for your suggestions along the journey.
New comment 8d ago
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@Nikola Radovanovic I'm actually not doing any paid promotion! Most of the content creators I sort of know, because we've been in the same communities. So there is some good will.
0 likes • 8d
@Aivars Meijers That's a good challenge! I've started focusing more on content marketing. 💯
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 5+6)
Previous: Week 0 (Introduction), Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4 ## Week 5 ### Status * 🔴 Current MRR: $7.70 – 30% growth to last week * That’s slow growth. I’m getting close to half of this challenge, and I’m still a while off from my goal. * 🟠 Total downloads: +6% * I’m happy with a steady 55 downloads/week. ### Tactics last week * ❌ Review if tactics need scaling * ❌ Spend 3hrs on growth activities * ✅ Reach out to 2 content creator ### Wins * You guys often recommended it, and I finally increased the prices: $0.69/mo to $1.99/mo and $6.99/year to $14.99/year. ## WAM 6 ### Status * 🔴 Current MRR: $9.16 – 18.96% growth to last week * 🟠 Total downloads: +23% ### Tactics last week * ❌ Review if tactics need scaling * 🟠 Reach out to 3 content creator (reached out to one) * ✅ Spend 2hrs on growth activities ### Wins * Got my first subscriber on the new, higher yearly price! * A user gave me a shoutout on Twitter 🤗 ## Summary It's a bit demotivating how I'm half way through the challenge, and my MRR is only at 20% of my target. On the other hand, these last two weeks I spent less time Indie Hacking, and prioritised client work. Now that I've got that out of the way, I hope I can pick up the pace in this last half of the challenge. I'd love your input – what should I focus on to hit my target?
New comment Nov 16
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 5+6)
1 like • Nov 16
@Aivars Meijers Good advice. I'll review where a lot of traffic came from in the past.
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 7)
Previous: Week 0 (Introduction), Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5+6 ## WAM 7 ### Status Following Aivar’s recommendation, I’ll focus more on impressions rather than MRR. - Impressions: 1.6k (+30%) - I’m not so used on focussing on this number, but I think this is solid growth. 116 downloads this week is double of last week’s downloads. - Current MRR: $10.76 – 17% growth - While the MRR growth is small, I got 12 new free trials this week. I’m currently on 20 paying subscribers, so that is solid growth. With a week free trial, MRR actually lags behind a week. ### Tactics last week After a slow last two weeks, I am feeling more energised. - ✅ Review if tactics need scaling - ✅ Reach out to 3 content creator - ✅ Spend 2hrs on growth activities ### Wins - User emailed me about a problem, responded quickly with a solution, and shipped the fix the next day. User submitted a really nice review (see images) - Made it to the Obsidian Discord starboard - Posted app to the Obsidian subreddit. Got some really valuable feedback out of it. ### Challenges - Posted app to the Obsidian subreddit. Got some critical replies out of it. Some people criticised the pricing structure quite harshly. After taking a deep breath (and some editing from my wife), I replied with a response that I am quite happy with
New comment Nov 20
12 Week Challenge: $1 to $50 MRR (Week 7)
1-10 of 19
Joschua Glau
77points to level up
Full-time web dev & indie hacker on the side. Based in QLD, Australia.

Active 1d ago
Joined Sep 25, 2024
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