Welcome and Introduce Yourself!
Let's get this Glucose Mastering party started with some introductions. Share a little bit about yourself, why you're in this program, and what you are hoping to learn. BONUS: add something unique and fun about you :)
I'll go first... I'm Tara - Your Glucose Guide!
I'm excited to biohack various foods and habits to understand more about my glucose/insulin optimization for "Higher Health", while also learning from the group and making this the most transformative experience for you.
I have a 5 year old at home who is not allowed gold fish and oreo's, which is making her feel lunch left out with her school friends! We are navigating this challenge while not caving on the gold fish!
Fun about me... I'm really into sailing right now. I crew on a boat in Pickering in Lake Ontario waters.. We race every Sunday. I wonder how sailing will impact my glucose monitor and my sleep quality!
Your turn :)
Tara Campbell
Welcome and Introduce Yourself!
Higher Health Community
Our community cultivates a positive mindset, encourages joyful movement, and embraces micronutrients to ignite a vibrant, healthy life!
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