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Picked up the E-commerce book, Documenting my efforts.
Trying to create some accountability here. Picked up the E-commerce book after 'humming and hawing' for a couple weeks over it now trying to justify a £52 book spend. I can't tell you right now if it's worth it but I hope it pays off. I've gave it a quick read and it's a fantastic overview of all the things I should be doing and so i fed the book into GPT and got it to create a modular course with questions, research and challenges based on the advice in the book. Something for me to use as a guide as I try to implement what the book is teaching. Looking forward to getting it under way, and I'll keep you posted on how things goes. While I do fairly well in a one to one space, my Online coaching and presence fucking blows and so I'm excited to see as a sub 1000 followers account, exactly where this ends up.
New comment Oct 25
trainers — assessments?
this one’s for all the other PT’s out there. while I agree with Angus that we are not obligated to formally assess clients, many of the clients in my context come to me expecting some sort of assessment, so I’ve built it into my first session with them. my “assessment” movements look like this — rotational MB throw skipping crawling (usually bear crawl) goblet squat max output assault bike generally throw some pogos at them in that first session as well, or some type of two legged jumping. what I like about each of these is that none are high skill, so they allow for me to see how the client self-organizes their technique, and all can be taken to a pretty high level of output in a safe manner. these movement can also be used to reevaluate progress fairly easily, so make for good benchmark movements to include in your programming. also is a great tool for prospecting on the gym floor as you can walk someone through a 15 min “workout” that includes all of these, give them a good workout, and be able to tell them a lot about how they move (makes ya seem like a wizard).
New comment Jul 23
Train heroic
Im looking at best option for programming and selling my program. I currently use truecoach which requires me to ask clients to set up a standing order with the bank or pay a subscription via Stripe. None of which is automated. How does trainheroic app compare to truecoach n terms of the delivery platform for clients, ease of programming etc? Does it have its own exercise demo library or the scope to upload YouTube vids for demos etc? Are there ways for clients to track progress etc using the app
New comment Jul 16
Excel vs other program software
I’m currently using trainerize, and IME its too much friction for the client to either sign up or use and trying to stream line the approach. Angus you’ve said excel over anything for 1 on 1 clients. So anyone who uses excel as a program, when writing up the base template, is there a certain way you set it up and anything you include that has been helpful or you deem important? (Outside of the standard reps, sets, exercise, rpe etc)
Any tips on making downloadable content?
Just looking for ideas on what to create. I was thinking of making a basic manual on learning your first push up and trouble shooting solutions.
New comment Jun 28
Any tips on making downloadable content?
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