2d ago in OTHERS
Progress Happens When Comfort Ends!🚀📈
The biggest obstacle to achieving greatness isn’t a lack of ability.. It's the comfort zone we let ourselves stay in. 🤯 True progress, in training or in life, doesn’t start until we willingly step into discomfort and push past the point where most people stop.
Think about it: The muscle grows when it’s pushed beyond what it’s used to. The mind sharpens when it’s challenged with something it doesn’t understand. The same principle applies everywhere... Real growth comes from embracing the struggle. 💪
But I know that challenging yourself can be difficult sometimes, and the struggle might feel unbearable... but here's a mindses that i learned that really helped me keep going...
"It always gets harder just before the level up..." This way whenever stuff became difficult i had this built belief that this was a sign of something greater arriving after the storm had passed...
But here’s the thing its not always easy to be discomfortable... Most people avoid it. That’s why the few who can make it a habit to enjoy challenges are the ones who end up standing out. 🙌
So, the next time you hit a wall in your training or life, don’t see it as a sign to stop. See it as proof that you’re on the right path. 🔥
When was the last time you pushed yourself beyond what you thought was possible? Share your experience below and inspire others to step up! 💬⬇️
I'm never outside my comfort zone🤓
Sometimes I get outside my comfort zone...🫱🏽‍🫲🏽
David Goggins Mode... Huge growth in that📈
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Erlus H
Progress Happens When Comfort Ends!🚀📈
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