How To Be Confident In Your Decisions
Recently, I was looking at some of the more popular search terms. The one that piqued my interest was this one: “How to be confident in my decisions?”
I know from my experience as a coach that, in asking this question, people are really meaning to ask this: “How can I be confident before I make a decision?”
When people say ‘confidence in my decisions’, they often mean decision that they're anticipating to make, not the one they've already made—and that is the problem.
You can't really be confident in a decision that you haven’t made, because you're not clairvoyant. You don't know how it's actually going to go.
You might even have a lot of experience and find yourself in a very familiar situation. However, all of this still doesn't guarantee the outcome; you still cannot know that a given situation will unfold in the same way this time as it did before.
If you want to be confident in your decision-making then you need to make decisions.
You need to actually follow through, no matter how imperfect the idea might be or what kind of mistake it leads to, because confidence in decision-making doesn't come from making good decisions. Confidence comes from making decisions good: it's how you react after the decision is made—that builds confidence.
Daniel Munro
How To Be Confident In Your Decisions
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