First assessment: k let’s try this again lol
So I recorded myself on my phone front and back and can see that I breath into my chest mostly which I’m usually aware of and stresses me out lol. I notice my shoulders lift a bit and my belly goes out too. So I’m assuming this is all vertical. For my big breaths I tense up a bit and always feel short of breath. My stomach and chest tense up the most.
Max inhale: 42.42
Daily exhale retention time: 21:57
Exhale suspension test 48 seconds
Walking exhale retention: 16 steps
Walking inhale retention: 54 steps
Longest exhale test: I felt extremely light headed and felt like I was about to pass out 😂
For the measurements:
I hope I did this right but for my belly button I got and IRV of 34 1/2“ and ERV 33 1/2“
For my Ribs I got IRV 32 1/2” and ERV 30 1/2”
For my chest IRV 37” and ERV 34 1/2”
I know I have to work on this and ready to improve it!! ⭐️🧘🏽‍♀️🫁💨
Natalie Cassinelli
First assessment: k let’s try this again lol
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