The changes you are seeing, here is your updates 🪐
Writing this before I lose power. Its a exciting, happy, sad and overall interesting time
I'll be honest - this growth means we need to get a bit more formal in how we operate. I'll be stepping back from direct community engagement to focus on development, enterprise use-case rollouts and high-level strategy. It's a bittersweet change, but necessary to ensure we can support everyone effectively.
We're aiming to have most updates rolled out by end of next week, though a storm might delay things a bit so we'll scout for beginning of next week. I'm incredibly grateful for all of your support, and I'm excited for this next phase of our journey together (23k installs now, who would've thought - I won't get sappy here but grateful).
Here's what's coming:
  • We're improving our support channels and ticketing systems for both direct and white labeled help
  • Shifting focus to enterprise deployments, which have shown the best results and find tangible success rate have been higher - opening up doors of opportunity for reselling and external community
  • Creating an "easy version" masked dashboard of the platform for less technical users to easy create and deploy in a simplified way like V1 (this is an option you dont need to use this, but it will be there)
  • Expanding API access and adding more granular sub-account management for saas configuration and external CRM deployment use-cases
  • Slowing down on new features to focus on stability and optimizing existing tools - as of today, there's nothing that cannot be built with tools already in the system so we will focus on tool reliability and ease-of-use rather than new features
  • Big money thrown at infrastructure to continue to support volume increases a long with capability for more
Direct support inquires to the Support Call link or onboarding if you need more hands on set up. Also, check out partners for buildouts and if you have an enterprise use case (100-50,000 locations or rollouts) message me.
We cant give updates on lifevest because some inputs are from white labeled clients we cannot message directly but we are working on proper, robust infrastructure for them.
More to come after this storm :)
Jorden Williams
The changes you are seeing, here is your updates 🪐
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