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The Marketing Starter Kit

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104 contributions to The Marketing Starter Kit
So many messages!
Stay up.with my messages faithfully but I think I expected more responses..I am seeing that a lot are going unread. Sent over 10 today so patience is a virtue one not easily won! Also, a lady has scheduled 2X with me only to leave me hanging..Calendly converts the times but she is saying she is picking 4pm her time in Asaba, Nigeria which shows on my calender once was 10am the other 11:30am..she leaves me hanging.. Is this Calendly not converting the times correctly or is she picking am instead..when I looked up the time there it was 4am in the morning.. Inquiring minds need to know..this the first time I have encoutered this.. Ok Thank you and Blessings always
New comment 16h ago
So many messages!
1 like • 19h
@Ron Carter yep yep exactly what I did..i think I knew when she did not read and acknowledge..its ok no biggy..going to send more out today..she literally came off as "can you help me figure this out please" so yes it had me questioning..ahhh no each its own. Lol
0 likes • 16h
@Ron Carter After she re-scheduled the 2 nd time I took a screenshot and sent it to her immediately to confirm that the time was correct..she answered yes..cime to find out it was her that why i thought it was on purpose..ahh no big deal but I will not be reaching out to her again..
Another Level 5??
Let's go @Rochelle Rogers!! Congrats on being the 2nd member to hit level 5 here in the group!!
New comment 3h ago
Another Level 5??
1 like • 2d
1 like • 19h
@Terrilan Gizil my pleasure..great to meet you..where are you located and whats your online niche?
My little WIN
Ron suggested that I sign up for affiliate program with Amazon since I have a cookbook. Add links to the ingredients to make super easy for my customers. You may be laughing but this is awesome for me! I made my first itty bitty commission! Whoo Hoo to me! Now to monopolize this! Just getting started..whoo Hoo. Thanks Ron it may be a small amount but anything is better than nothing. Now to get this growing. Blessings always
New comment 19h ago
My little WIN
1 like • 19h
@Ron Carter
Feeling Accomplished
For some reason I have a new "outlook" on reaching out.. Today I sent 10 messsges out to the individuals in my private group that answered "yes" to me reaching put them on my email list as they said yes and praying I get some results. They are recent joiners so hopefully it is fresh in their minds still. I have a new outlook on sending out messages to create conversations...Leese has changed me in a way that it is hard to explain in words...whoop Feeling Accomplished here 💯
New comment 2d ago
Feeling Accomplished
1 like • 2d
@Keith Stephens awesome..Thank you..needed that..yes its been rough getting the ball rolling..but staying persistent..not going to alter my routine now..I love helping people and thats it..curing them makes me smile..❤🙏
0 likes • 2d
@Keith Stephens
I'm actually doing it! (don't lose your access here)
In just 2 days, I'm going to be removing everyone who has been at level 1 for the last month in this community! No hard feelings, its just what I know I need to do.... As of right now this means I'll be removing 50 Members! 🤯 Why am I doing this? It's because this community is only as valuable as WE make it... TOGETHER.... If you're here in the group, watching the training videos, and not talking to anyone, not engaging on any posts, not making any posts.... Well, then you're not helping the community... This whole business thing is about helping others solve problems... (hint, this is what will cause people to will buy from you) So practicing connecting with people in here, and helping were you can, will help you connect with people out there... And connecting with people is how you turn leads into sales... So if you're at level 1, and you want to stay and get results with your marketing.... Start engaging here in the community! Introduce yourself... Leave thoughtful comments on others posts Be supportive! its amazing what you end up getting, when you prioritize giving...
New comment 2d ago
I'm actually doing it! (don't lose your access here)
0 likes • 2d
1-10 of 104
Tracey Badbada
184points to level up
PLC specializing in Fatty Liver disease and Holistic Health.

Active 16h ago
Joined May 21, 2024
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