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Live Q & A is happening in 10 days
So many messages!
Stay up.with my messages faithfully but I think I expected more responses..I am seeing that a lot are going unread. Sent over 10 today so patience is a virtue one not easily won! Also, a lady has scheduled 2X with me only to leave me hanging..Calendly converts the times but she is saying she is picking 4pm her time in Asaba, Nigeria which shows on my calender once was 10am the other 11:30am..she leaves me hanging.. Is this Calendly not converting the times correctly or is she picking am instead..when I looked up the time there it was 4am in the morning.. Inquiring minds need to know..this the first time I have encoutered this.. Ok Thank you and Blessings always
New comment 3d ago
So many messages!
Stayed on Track
Well I did it! Kept myself on track by typing up the worksheets in google drive..on the outreach to 10 people Im wondering if its acceptable to message ones who have been in my group since thinking yes it does not matter because Kim has been in my group that long as well..hmmmm Or do i go to actual strangers not in my group..hey any question not asked is a dumb going to do some backwork and organizing in grouptrack... Thank you for any advice you might have for me..
New comment 5d ago
Stayed on Track
Question on Calendly
Ok Was stood up again today, however, she lives in Abasa, Nigeria. Now I know that Calendly converts the times (awesome) but its 4:30 am the 25th... My available times are between 8am -12pm..Taipei time. She says she is picking 4pm? I told her yesterday Calendly automatically converts the times to my availability. Again show.. My question is....Is this error on her part or is Calendly not converting correctly? I think I am confused..🤯 Blessings and Thank you..
New comment 6d ago
Question on Calendly
where is the training
Im trying to navigate. I just signed up yesterday. Today i was going to start the training, I thought it was free, i was on level one and it costs money. Should I be looking somewhere else.
New comment 6d ago
Crypto trading
I have been bothered by several people that want me to invest in crypto trading. Has anyone tired this? Is it a good addition to my affiliate marketing?
New comment 6d ago
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