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Welcome To The Marketing Starter Kit! (Read This POST 1st!)
Check out the video below so you know how to use this group to your advantage!! Also, no spam or promotions. Please don't do it if you want to stay here. Introduction and Welcome - Introduction to the Marketing Starter Kit group. - Overview of the group's layout and navigation. Initial Steps - Check the chat for a message from the speaker with a module link. - Book a one-on-one call for personalized guidance. Group Navigation - Overview of pinned posts for valuable content and announcements. - Importance of not hiding pinned posts for updates. Categories in the Group - Random Thoughts and Insights: Member posts and valuable shares. - Group Announcements: Important updates and news. - Wins: Member achievements and sales. - Q&A: Questions and answers from the community. - Just for Fun: Casual polls and fun posts. - Call Recordings: Recordings of group calls. - Intros: Introduce yourself to the community. Introduction Post Instructions - How to make an introduction post. - Importance of selecting the correct category before posting. - Zero lurker policy: Encourages active participation. Leveling System and Rewards - Levels: Lurker, Dabbler, Action Taker, and beyond. - Points system: Earn points through engagement (likes, comments). - Rewards for leveling up: Chat permissions, masterclasses, courses, and free membership. Classroom Material - Access to free courses and training modules. - Overview of available modules: Start Here, Revenue Generating Machine, Affiliate Starter Kit, etc. - Option to unlock additional content by leveling up or small payments. Engagement and Participation - Monthly removal of inactive lurkers to maintain group quality. - Top engaged member receives a $100 Amazon gift card monthly. Community and Support - Emphasis on building the community together. - Encouragement to participate in Q&A sessions and engage with other members. Closing - Reminder to check messages and stay active. - Welcome to new members and final encouragement to introduce themselves and participate actively.
New comment 2d ago
Welcome To The Marketing Starter Kit! (Read This POST 1st!)
Let's celebrate!!
I want to give a HUGE shoutout to @Rochelle Rogers for making $900 in the last 4 days!! Since Rochelle joined the community, she's been immersing herself in the material, and most importantly... TAKING ACTION!! She just shared with me that these were her first sales online, and I couldn't be happier for her!!
New comment 10h ago
Let's celebrate!!
Goal setting
Yesterday I set a goal to talk to 15 people in messenger daily. Yesterday I had 2 people answer me but I am looking forward to many more getting back to me soon.
New comment 10d ago
Thankful Thursday- express Gratitude
Hello, amazing entrepreneurs! As we dive into another productive week, let’s take a moment to celebrate Thankful Thursday. In the hustle and bustle of running an online business, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to appreciate the journey we’re on. Today, let’s shift our focus and embrace the power of gratitude. Here’s why being thankful can transform your business and your life - When we cultivate a mindset of gratitude, we attract more positive experiences and opportunities. Start your day by listing three things you’re thankful for in your business. It could be loyal customers, supportive team members, or even the flexibility of working from home. This simple practice can set a positive tone for the entire day.
New comment 1h ago
Hi everyone I live in Alabama and I definitely need help with sales 😁
New comment 8h ago
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