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Did you know that hitting the like button can boost your mood by 10%? (Okay, maybe not scientifically proven, but it feels great!) If you're all about spreading good vibes, hit that like button!
New comment 7h ago
It's Feel Good Friday!
I usually do Focus Friday, but today feels different. I feel amazing, and I want to share this feeling with you. Take a deep breath, smile, and appreciate all the good things in life. Let today be a reminder that every moment is a chance to feel great!
New comment 7h ago
This is my bad habit, What's yours?
New comment 8h ago
I just removed 51 Members! 😵‍💫
You're probably thinking, "Ron! Are you crazy?? Why would you do that?" And the answer is YES. I am crazy... Crazy about making this community as helpful as possible... So to do that, I decided to remove any one who has been inactive in here for a month. But I also want to reward the person who's been the most active... And that is..... Drumroll please.... @Tracey Badbada!!! Congrats Tracey! I'll be reaching out to send you your $100 Amazon gift card! Check out the video I just made below to make sure you make the cut next month too, and potential get those sweet sweet Amazon dolla dolla bills yourself.. 😉
New comment 8h ago
I just removed 51 Members! 😵‍💫
Another Level 5??
Let's go @Rochelle Rogers!! Congrats on being the 2nd member to hit level 5 here in the group!!
New comment 2d ago
Another Level 5??
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