I'm actually doing it! (don't lose your access here)
In just 2 days, I'm going to be removing everyone who has been at level 1 for the last month in this community!
No hard feelings, its just what I know I need to do....
As of right now this means I'll be removing 50 Members! 🀯
Why am I doing this?
It's because this community is only as valuable as WE make it...
If you're here in the group, watching the training videos, and not talking to anyone, not engaging on any posts, not making any posts....
Well, then you're not helping the community...
This whole business thing is about helping others solve problems...
(hint, this is what will cause people to will buy from you)
So practicing connecting with people in here, and helping were you can, will help you connect with people out there...
And connecting with people is how you turn leads into sales...
So if you're at level 1, and you want to stay and get results with your marketing....
Start engaging here in the community!
Introduce yourself...
Leave thoughtful comments on others posts
Be supportive!
its amazing what you end up getting, when you prioritize giving...
Ron Carter
I'm actually doing it! (don't lose your access here)