Write something
Live Q & A is happening in 5 days
Goal setting
Yesterday I set a goal to talk to 15 people in messenger daily. Yesterday I had 2 people answer me but I am looking forward to many more getting back to me soon.
New comment 2h ago
Share Your Win!
Congrats on getting into action! It may seem small, but it's really a HUGE win. Take a screenshot of your invisible offer posts, and drop it in the comments here!
Complete action
New comment 2h ago
My little WIN
Ron suggested that I sign up for affiliate program with Amazon since I have a cookbook. Add links to the ingredients to make super easy for my customers. You may be laughing but this is awesome for me! I made my first itty bitty commission! Whoo Hoo to me! Now to monopolize this! Just getting started..whoo Hoo. Thanks Ron it may be a small amount but anything is better than nothing. Now to get this growing. Blessings always
New comment 19h ago
My little WIN
Let's celebrate!!
I want to give a HUGE shoutout to @Rochelle Rogers for making $900 in the last 4 days!! Since Rochelle joined the community, she's been immersing herself in the material, and most importantly... TAKING ACTION!! She just shared with me that these were her first sales online, and I couldn't be happier for her!!
New comment 2d ago
Let's celebrate!!
Feeling Accomplished
For some reason I have a new "outlook" on reaching out.. Today I sent 10 messsges out to the individuals in my private group that answered "yes" to me reaching put them on my email list as they said yes and praying I get some results. They are recent joiners so hopefully it is fresh in their minds still. I have a new outlook on sending out messages to create conversations...Leese has changed me in a way that it is hard to explain in words...whoop Feeling Accomplished here ๐Ÿ’ฏ
New comment 2d ago
Feeling Accomplished
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