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Soulful Selling

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10 contributions to Soulful Selling
📝 Session 5-6 (Sept, 6th) - Feedback & Reflection: What Did You Learn?
Now, let’s hear from you all: What did you learn today? What insights did you pick up, and how are you planning to apply these lessons in your life and business? 💡 I’d love for everyone to reflect and drop a comment below with your top 1-3 takeaways. Remember, writing it down helps solidify your learning! 🧠 Also, don't forget: Head over to the Mock Call Threads section ( ) and start booking time with one another to practice. You don’t need a fancy calendar—just connect, set up mock sessions, and get to role-playing! 🎭 Soulful Selling isn’t about making a sale—it’s about making a difference. 💫 P.S. Recordings are available in the Rich Dad area ;) 🚀
New comment 6d ago
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My Takeaways: • When Frans was talking about the consultive dialogue experience and how it actually truly is an experience. It made me think that I can mention this in the framing of the call. Basically I can say something along the lines of "I am going to give you my complete undivided attention, and I am at your service. Giving you an opportunity to truly voice what you've always wanted and explore how to make that happen." • Everyone is so different. Everyone's brain works and thinks differently so therefore their code is going to be different and that's why we need to dive deep to unveil the specific code instead of just finding the surface level reason of as an example "wanting financial freedom" which everyone would say. But that means something different for everyone. So I will make sure to dig deeper into their logical and emotional needs. • People will be more motivated by pain than pleasure so I need to find the pain for the prospect. And I will focus on mirroring the painful emotions rather than the positive emotions.
📝 Session 3-4 (Sept, 5th) - Feedback & Reflection: What Did You Learn?
🌟 Shoutout Time! 🌟 Hey everyone! We just wrapped up another powerful session of the Soulful Selling Training, and I wanted to give a BIG round of applause to @Jen Broyles and @Perry Idyll for absolutely crushing it in today’s role-play. 🙌👏 You both showed incredible skill, empathy, and finesse—definitely team leader material in the making! 👑 Now, let’s hear from you all: What did you learn today? What insights did you pick up, and how are you planning to apply these lessons in your life and business? 💡 I’d love for everyone to reflect and drop a comment below with your top 1-3 takeaways. Remember, writing it down helps solidify your learning! 🧠 Also, don't forget: Head over to the MoK Call Threads section ( ) and start booking time with one another to practice. You don’t need a fancy calendar—just connect, set up mock sessions, and get to role-playing! 🎭 Here’s a little inspiration to keep the momentum going: “Selling is not about selling anymore, but about building trust and educating.” – Siva Devaki Let’s keep that trust-building and empathetic approach at the heart of what we do in Soulful Selling! P.S. Recordings are available in the Rich Dad area ;) 🚀
New comment 6d ago
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My takeaways: • For the close, ask "why they think it would be a good idea to be in the program" after they agree with your previous question relating to the program being a good fit for them. I can see how it's important in life to help people by letting them help themselves and figure things out from their own mind. So that they sell themselves because at the end of the day people I'm usually most passionate about doing the things that they decided to do themselves from their own thinking. • Better to be calm/neutral (late nights DJ voice) than excited/enthusiastic on a sales call. So it brings the prospect more to awareness from their prefrontal cortex instead of the amygdala fight/flight response. I can see how even in everyday life it's important just to be completely present with the other person and to hold space for them so that they can make the best decision for themselves from an aware place instead of being pressured into it.
Let's exchange best practice in the comment section, on how each of us prepairs for the calls and what has proven benefitial and helpful for you, so that other members can learn from you.
New comment 7d ago
3 likes • 7d
I have been putting the canva template for the CODEX 9 (picture attached) to practice taking notes on, on one side of my screen and the zoom meeting on the other side. You can find the template in the slides of the lesson called "🎥 Session 1 - Recording + Slides" of the "Rich dad Sales team course" in the"Classroom" tab
As we are diving deep into this incredible new practice and training on quite a tight schedule to start with, it is important to me, as a dedicated coach to coaches, to speak to something I keep seeing underestimated: The ART OF GIVING & RECEIVING FEEDBACK It is often expected for trainees to simply have mastered that skill of feedback already, but most of us haven't ever had a training on the art of feedback. Have you? Whats your level of understanding about skillful feeback? As if this was taught in schools (it should though, just like coaching and sales 🤩) The training setting suggested often goes something like this: 🤼 practice for 15min, 2 min for feedback then switch roles. Even though this ratio might make sense at some point way down the road when trainee is aquainted with the basics and coach and trainee know each other, it really isn't helpful whatsoever in the beginning of learning a new skill, not for the one training AND not for the other as it puts alot of pressurea on the poor sparing buddy, who likely is also just starting with this new skill. ❌ Feedback isn't advice. Too often feedback is put right next to advice. Too many people think that feedback is just telling another your "honest" opinion, no holding back, thinking we know whats best and right for them. (refrain from giving advice, instead make a suggestion or an invitation) What feedback really is: ✅ Feedback is a form of COACHING!! You see, when we have an opinion about the other, we may wanna check in with them first about their own intentions & reflections. As the observer, you are the coach to the coache on the training seat. Make sure you and them know what they want to focus on specifically in this practice, frame the feedback and reflections around this intention primarily. Ask them first 1️⃣ "How did that feel for you?", "What did you like about your performance? In regards to your intention specifically?" 2️⃣ "What felt a little off?" 3️⃣ "What will you try to improve next time?"
New comment 7d ago
Thank you for looking out for the team Fabs 🤍 Great information!
❤️People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" ❤️
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." – Theodore Roosevelt In the world of sales, we often focus so much on the features and benefits of what we're offering that we forget the most crucial element: genuine connection. 🧩 Theodore Roosevelt’s words are a timeless reminder that true influence and impact come from empathy and understanding. Imagine walking into a room with someone who is trying to sell you a product. They’re well-versed in all the technical details, explaining how it works, what it does, and why it’s amazing. But something’s missing. You’re not feeling it. The conversation is one-sided, transactional. No matter how much they know, there’s no real connection. 🤔 Now, imagine a different scenario. You meet someone who takes the time to ask you about your needs, your pain points, and your challenges. They listen intently, with empathy. They don’t just present their solution right away, but instead, they work with you to uncover what you really want and need. 💡 The relationship becomes more than just a sale—it becomes about helping you achieve your goals. 🎯 That’s the foundation of Soulful Selling. The art of selling isn’t about pushing a product; it’s about becoming a trusted advisor, someone who genuinely cares about helping the person in front of you. 🤝 When your prospects feel that you care about them, they’re far more likely to trust you and engage with what you’re offering. 💬 In Soulful Selling, we emphasize the power of human connection. 🌱 We don’t just aim to make sales, we aim to serve. Whether you’re engaging in a discovery call or offering high-ticket solutions, the key is to first listen, understand, and care. People want to feel heard and valued, not pitched at. They want to feel that they matter. 💛 Just like in life, relationships in sales are built on trust, care, and empathy. 🌟 It’s about asking the right questions, taking the time to understand what matters most to the person, and offering a solution that aligns with their values and dreams.
Complete action
New comment 7d ago
It really feels relaxing that all I need to focus on is getting to know someone and help them. It's great to know the CODEX 9 to help facilitate this process, but it seems that even if someone doesn't know the CODEX 9 very well, that they will probably succeed in the call anyways as long as they truly care about listening and helping the prospect. Especially when having the CODEX 9 action plan to fill out in the call if one forgets what they need to do logically in the call. We don't need to stress about what to logically do in the call, it's simple, just come from the heart and use the CODEX 9 to guide us logically during the call.
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Sebastian Rodriguez
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