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Chat & Voice AI by Assistable

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AI Agency Growth

Private • 43 • $97/m

1000x Leads

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SWS Private Community

Private • 2.2k • Paid

LinkedIn AI Mastery

Private • 294 • Free

Q's Mastermind

Private • 3.4k • $1/m

InsightAI Academy

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Cold Email & Lead Gen Secrets

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Future Agencies

Private • 9.1k • Free

119 contributions to Chat & Voice AI by Assistable
Orb + Chat widget
Beta will be released before EOD - check out the mock ups iFrame Orb: Chat widget: Chat widget mock up doesnt have pages set yet, just a visual representation and orb doesnt have dyanamic data so wont book Those will be released with all capabilities later - the orb will be expanded on for international users to webcall and for all to host lead magnets with AI voice
New comment 9h ago
Orb + Chat widget
0 likes • 16h
@Krzysztof S orb works through the browser so should work anywhere. I also tested it .
2 likes • 16h
@Krzysztof S that’s right. Even with the limited scope there are use cases for international
Long messages
Hi group! I have a huge database with 250 skus for an Ecom assistant in a DBR , and sometimes my assistant will give super long answers if the question is too general. I've told it in my prompt to keep it short ,1000 characters max and enabled the ''use multi send responses ''function but still... . Am I missing something ? thanks
New comment 19h ago
Long messages
0 likes • 19h
@Jorden Williams Seeing the same issue with my assistant. Wasn't this way
What is the best way for the bot to respond only during business hours?
Hi, I am currently running a DBR campaign via WhatsApp and trying to schedule phone appointments with contacts. This is working quite well so far. However, I want the bot to respond only during business hours so that it is not immediately obvious that it is a bot. Under "Knowledge," I have informed the bot of the business hours and also Ideally, I would like to send a message stating that we are currently closed and will get back to them the next day. The bot should then schedule the message and send the actual response during business hours. For this, I provided the bot with the following information in the field "What is some important information for the assistant to know?": If a user writes outside of business hours, send the following response: "Hallo und vielen Dank, dass Du uns kontaktiert hast. Leider sind wir momentan nicht erreichbar. Unsere Geschäftszeiten sind von Montag bis Freitag, 07:00 bis 21:00 Uhr, und am Wochenende von 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr. Wir werden uns am nächsten Tag bei Dir melden und Deine Anfrage bearbeiten." In this case, send the actual response to the user's message about 30 minutes after the start of the next working day. Unfortunately, this is not working and the bot is responding normally even at 4 AM. Alternatively, I have tested completely deactivating the bot using "Set reply time constraint." This also did not work. Does anyone have a tip on how I can best set this up?
New comment 5h ago
What is the best way for the bot to respond only during business hours?
1 like • 20h
@Dirk Schmid There was a discussion on time based prompting for voice. Might be relevant. Keep us posted on how it goes.
Connecting to GHL
Hey Trying too connect to GHL and struggling is there anyonoe who can help? I get this error. You do not have access to this feature! Please contact the admin!
New comment 10h ago
0 likes • 20h
@Matt Norris Yes. You need $297 GHL plan for using assistable
Website Scrape -> google Search?
Hey yall, I am trying to figure out a way to scrape google search results. Or perform a google search to gather data on a property. Client provide address they are trying to sell. > search google > summarise what we have found I have done some testing but seems it unauthorised. I assume google blocks this? Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Ideally i would be able to get info from websites like: But they wont give access to their api :/
New comment 20h ago
2 likes • 1d
@Harry Stokes check out is They have a tool called Google Search Results Scraper that could fit your needs.
2 likes • 20h
@Harry Stokes Awesome job! Thanks for sharing. Opens up the opportunity for myriad of use cases.
1-10 of 119
Sabeel Ahmed
304points to level up
AIfying businesses

Active 6h ago
Joined Feb 5, 2024
North Carolina
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