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6 contributions to KetoforCancer
Press pulse experiences
How many people here have had positive results or got to NED from press pulse therapy? Please share your story and details/how many cycles you have done, what was dosage of D, and what the scans showed. If you have had no results or negative results please share as well as I think that experience is equally valuable for people to learn from.
New comment 3h ago
0 likes • 1d
@Nicole Stenson for press pulse it’s usually 21 days, Hbot 3x per week for 3 weeks and D0N day 0 day 4 day 8 day 12 day 16 day 20
Trying to bring glucose numbers down to Seyfried recommendation
I water fast for 24 hours, it brings me into ketosis. And when I eat I slip out of ketosis. Is that happening because of what I'm eating? Is it because I'm eating too much? Can you help me solve this mystery? Thanks!
New comment 2d ago
1 like • 2d
@Miri Mo this is a pretty large meal, they are very few people who can consume a meal that large and not spike the blood glucose. Have you tried eating meals that don’t go over 300 calories with consistent fat to (protein+carb) ratios of 2:1 or 2.5 to 1 in each meal
Can you help me figure this out a menu please?
My brain simply can't grasp how to set up a menu for myself. If you can help me I'd greatly appreciate it 🙃. Please can you help me create a sample meal (options for 1 or 2 or three meals a day). I'm 5 ft 5 inches. I weigh 115 lbs. (Lost a lot of weight since my accident 5 yrs ago, and I have muscle atrophy 😕) I'd love to have sample menu for 3 meals, 500 calories each (is 1500 calories a day enough for me? I'm sedentary. Homebound due to accident). My favorite foods are: 1. Butter butter butter 😉 . My most favorite. 2. Egg yolks . (I'd be a happy camper living on 2 dozen egg yolks a day, no kidding) 3. Cod liver 4. Macadamia nut butter from Mahina Mele Farm in Hawaii. It's expensive so I rarely buy it. 5. Carlson cod liver oil 6. If the above is not enough I'm willing to add pecans as an option. Or/and avocado. Thanks so much
New comment Aug 20
0 likes • Aug 19
@Johnny Rockermeier The food is going to differ from person to person. They are infinite variations. An example meal for us would be chicken thigh, mct oil, coconut oil, spinach. Simple, single ingredients, easy to calculate, no margin of error.
1 like • Aug 20
@Johnny Rockermeier Johnny I think context is important. It's imperative not to conflate general health advice, with urgent advice people need to get in the sub 1 gki zones in order to take on board the other elements of press pulse. If you have plenty of time on your hands, go ahead and explore the most nutritionally complete diet you can get. Otherwise, get in the zone as quickly as possible, and get 6 diazo on board before getting into HBOT. Cancer patients are already overwhelmed with too many things to do, pondering too many variables that will not immediately free you from the fire, can be counter productive.
Meal frequency: Tips and Sources would be appreciated
So what do you guys think of 4-5 meals vs 1 meal a day for glucose control? Maybe you have some convincing studies, case studies, self experiments at hand that elucidade this issue conclusively :-) I personally tend to think that 1 meal, or a 3 hour eating windows let's say, is more benefitial overall. Also, how long can one do 300-400 cals a meal, as its tiny and maybe / probably after that "meal" you are hungrier than before. But maybe motivation is high enough to go through with that kind of approach for months on end.
New comment 26d ago
4 likes • Aug 18
Best way is to try all approaches and see what suits your body. Never gonna be the same for 2 individuals. From what I have heard and in my personal experience, 1-2 meals a day will be way too high calorically to achieve stable, and steady therapeutic glucose levels for cancer. Hunger also reduces significantly when ketones start going above 3 for a lot of people.
Breaking fast after HBOT
Hi KetoforCancer fam, I’m 1 week into my 6 week DYI press/pulse protocol and have lost 2kg. My rule has been to fast 18 hours prior to taking my drug cocktail and going into the HBOT chamber. Then I wait 6 hours before I eat anything (24 hours in total). I do this 3 times a week only, but it’s still resulting in undesired weight loss. Has anyone not fasted after HBOT and eaten a keto meal 2-3 hours after coming out of the chamber and still got good results? I don’t want to lose anymore weight! 😭
New comment 30d ago
2 likes • Aug 17
I think you should work on finding a way to get glucose in range while eating everyday, without doing any fasting. What are you daily macros/calories? That might give some insight. Try not keeping any meal over 300 calories. Keep every meal the exact same ratio between fat protein and carbs. Eat every 3 hours. Eat calories at bmr, or -10% of bmr. We have been able to mantain a steady GKI below 1 through out the press pulse protocol by deploying this strategy without doing any fasting. My dad also needs to keep his weight on while doing press pulse, so we also do protein cycling. We do high medium and low days, the low protein days are the day before DON and the day of DON. The day following that is a high protein day. This keeps our average protein up during the cycle. We also take 2 weeks breaks in between cycles to gain back the weight he loses. The anabolic steroid, oxandrolone, also helps a great deal to mitigate muscle loss and mantain your weight. All of these things combined means, we have kept our GKI below 1 during press pulse, and never lose any weight. It's constant attention to detail but if you don't have much weight to lose, it's quite important.
2 likes • Aug 17
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Every body needs a slightly different ratio to unlock the very low GKI's. If you find that eating at a 3:1 ratio is getting you into those therapeutic ranges, why bother fasting? Given that you will have to do this for a while eventually you'll be out of weight to lose and it's so much harder to gain it than it is to maintain it.
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Rajan Khanijaon
44points to level up
On the Press-Pulse therapy adventure to help my dad recover from stage 4 cancer.

Active 6h ago
Joined Aug 17, 2024
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