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10 contributions to My Wellbeing Community
I hat would you change in your life if you knew you would go blind in 3 months?
New comment 14d ago
How aware are we of our vibrational output and what we are attracting into our lives? here’s a small example from my evening last night. We have recently discovered the most delectable dessert. These tiny little ice cream balls wrapped in rice starchy stuff.. it’s stupidly delicious and they come in mini packs of three. So the night before I gave a row of three to each of us, josh chose to eat one and save two for the next day. Last night comes and he goes to the freezer and finds there’s only one left and comes storming into the lounge accusing Noah of eating one. Noah was like, nope I didn’t and I didn’t eat his, so I was like mate, you must have had two last night. He keeps going on about his missing ice cream and then I say “josh, this conversation feels completely out of alignment, your focusing on the ice cream you don’t have rather than the ice cream you do have and what are you creating more of?” He got it… “I’m grateful for the ice cream I have” then suddenly he jumped up, went to the freezer and found that in his ice creams were there just in another place.. and found another hidden row we didn’t know was there.. an instant shift in his vibrational alignment helped him find his ice cream and more! It’s so funny isn’t it that when we are focused on the issue or problem we can’t access the part of us that knows the answer.. Hmmm lesson much here? What do you think? 🙌
New comment 17d ago
1 like • 18d
Those are very yum 😋
What small habit have you added / changed that has shifted who you are?
not the smallest habit but one that I started within the last year and totally shifted my life was Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I’ve always been a martial artist, 5 years capoeira, 10 yrs kung fu and then I took some time out of training and I felt like there was a something missing. I think the thing I love about martial arts is the continuous development, the community of people you connect and grow with and the challenges you face on the mats and how it prepares you in life.. not for fighting, for me it’s about skilling up, learning how to use this epic body I’ve been given to the max… it’s pretty fun. Look forward to hearing about yours ❤️
New comment 20d ago
What small habit have you added / changed that has shifted who you are?
3 likes • 21d
Mine is doing classes daily online of wing chun😁 it shifted my mood drastically and made me much mor in alignment because of the meditations😁
If offered the choice would you want to be pain free for the rest of your life?
New comment 15d ago
What quirky part of yourself are you grateful for?
Good morning beautiful souls!!! It’s been a few days.. I’ve been in hyper-focus creation mode my end, excited becuase I’m launching a brand new children’s gratitude journal next week … I tend to put my head in the sand when I’m in creation mode and come up for air and realise my inbox has built up to a gajillion messages and my house needs organising … but I’ve learnt to accept, and love that part of myself.. the hyper-focus creation mode is one of my favourites, along with concept creation and holding that baby in my hands for the first time… that feels greeeeeat! What quirky part of yourself are you grateful for?
New comment 22d ago
What quirky part of yourself are you grateful for?
3 likes • 23d
Definitely my flexibility😁
2 likes • 22d
@Heather Ray 🤪
1-10 of 10
Noah Cogan
36points to level up
Wing Chun & Jiu Jitsu Practitioner

Active 1h ago
Joined Apr 13, 2024
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