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Journal Master Class is happening in 25 days
New classes dropping
Ok so this week I’m going to out some live classes in the calendar… keep your eyes peeled..
New classes dropping
What’s your biggest achievement this week?
Big or small, let’s celebrate our wins 🥳
New comment 2d ago
What’s your biggest achievement this week?
Let’s talk intuition and hindsight…
How many times have you felt the hammer of your heart warning you and you’ve ignored it? How much have you silenced the whispers that have then become shouts to look back and finally understand what that was all about? How much now through experience do you trust yourself and listen to the universe, your guardian angel, your gut? A lot i hope.. trust in all you have gone through, look back and get the lessons that have been staring you in the face and expand into your strength to know that this time, you will listen, and trust yourself 🌟
New comment 9d ago
Which pill would you choose? 💊
Out of the following options which would you choose? 1) to be able to change the density, mass, volume, shape, size and material of your arms 2) stay in 100 percent perfect health for all of your life but die at the age of 70 (even if you break a bone the bone will heal instantly) AND look perfect 3) get $100 per 10 minutes of training in WC
New comment 14d ago
Which pill would you choose? 💊
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