How aware are we of our vibrational output and what we are attracting into our lives?
here’s a small example from my evening last night.
We have recently discovered the most delectable dessert. These tiny little ice cream balls wrapped in rice starchy stuff.. it’s stupidly delicious and they come in mini packs of three.
So the night before I gave a row of three to each of us, josh chose to eat one and save two for the next day. Last night comes and he goes to the freezer and finds there’s only one left and comes storming into the lounge accusing Noah of eating one.
Noah was like, nope I didn’t and I didn’t eat his, so I was like mate, you must have had two last night.
He keeps going on about his missing ice cream and then I say “josh, this conversation feels completely out of alignment, your focusing on the ice cream you don’t have rather than the ice cream you do have and what are you creating more of?”
He got it… “I’m grateful for the ice cream I have” then suddenly he jumped up, went to the freezer and found that in his ice creams were there just in another place.. and found another hidden row we didn’t know was there..
an instant shift in his vibrational alignment helped him find his ice cream and more!
It’s so funny isn’t it that when we are focused on the issue or problem we can’t access the part of us that knows the answer..
Hmmm lesson much here? What do you think?
Heather Ray
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