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The Wing Chun Family

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One Tao Kung Fu Academy

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42 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
Fear vs Courage...
Fear is a reaction... Courage is a decision...!
New comment 7h ago
3 likes • 9h
The way I train myself to deal with fear is going bushwalking alone at night... the fear response comes up, the mind starts going crazy about all sorts of animals and psychopaths than will kill me... but just taking one step after another, embracing the fear, it pretty quickly dissipates, and the feeling of courage and confidence that comes out of that carries over into other situations when I feel afraid in life. It's almost like I can go... 'oh yeah this is just fear, I know I can carry on in the face of it'
2 likes • 7h
@Carlson Yan love it Carlson!!! Thank you for this 🤎
28 day meditation challenge journal
Hello dear friends. I'll use this post to track my progress in the 28-day meditation challenge, and also my fitness and wing chun training. Meditation challenge - Started yesterday with the videos, meditations and of course the mantras - Today continued with the meditations and mantras, and started putting together my 'manifesto'. It feels empowering to stop for a while and consciously think about what would make me happy, and what would make me feel as if my life is well-lived. - I'm excited to be doing this challenge with others in the community, as I know how helpful the momentum and shared accountability can be Health (target is 12k steps per day, and pull-ups and dips, increasing 1 each day) - 12,103 steps - 27 pull-ups and dips Wing Chun - Evening Fundamentals class in person at the One Tao Kung Fun academy Thought / insight for the day - Negative and positive thinking are both habits. The more either habit is ingrained, the less effort is needed to sustain it and the more natural it becomes.
New comment 8h ago
2 likes • 9h
@Jason Ashby Ah I saw that on their site... Yep I want the proper sauna experience and have a perfect space under the deck for it. The ice bath chiller was advertised to get to 3 degrees. I got it down to 3.7 but then turned it back up as it was too cold lol... I definitely need to work up to it (down to it?) as I'm a bit out of practice.
1 like • 8h
@Dave Ellis thank you Dave!
28 Day Self Mastery Blueprint and Training jounal
Starting the meditation blueprint mastery for 28 days, very excited and will record reflections here. Participated in the August health challenge with the group and have never succeeded in losing so much weight in the past and feeling strong. Looking forward to experiencing the change that this month will bring and make it into a habit rather than challenge! Looking forward to reprogramming myself into a more peaceful and loving being. ❤️
New comment 8h ago
2 likes • 8d
Keep at it! You got this
1 like • 9h
@Corianne Kwan So good to hear, Corianne. Kids are such a good test :) I struggle towards the end of the day when I'm tired... but - like you - at least now I recognise how I feel is my responsibility. More and more I just 'excuse myself' to my study for 3 minutes to breathe and come back a little lighter. I only have one child and I know you have three, so might be a little harder for you to escape
Arete - A Flourishing Life
I wanted to share a book that is dear to me. It came out last year and I see more and more here reading and wanting to improve their mind and body - I wanted to share this with you. It is called Arete. It's a Greek word. And it means to close the gap to where you are to where you can be via virtues. To flourish. It's all a rough translation. This book is the ultimate personal development book as it combined wisdom from so many sources and put it in one place. It's easy to read. It's valuable. It's worth it. It's about activating your heroic potential. And this is what we want.
New comment 4h ago
Arete - A Flourishing Life
2 likes • 9h
Thanks for sharing Roey
What's the most unique or interesting thing you've collected over the years?
I have a humble collection of crystals which I display on my "altar" 💖 I find that their energies help me heal and grow - physically, mentally and spiritually. I also try to incorporate simple rituals to cleanse and recharge them once in a while (like washing them over salt water from the ocean, or bathing them under the moonlight glow) ✨ What about you guys? Feel free to share why you've developed an interest to what you collect 😉
New comment 6h ago
What's the most unique or interesting thing you've collected over the years?
2 likes • 9h
@Carlson Yan Love it! How many crystals do you have?
2 likes • 9h
I have a special piece of nature near my house that I visit often. There are some special spots, including a large rock, a waterfall, and a clearing where the creek opens into the harbour where there's a bench. I commissioned an artist to paint some paintings of 'me' in these spots. The paintings turned out perfectly, and it's a very personal, special set of art which I cherish.
1-10 of 42
Mike Stern
125points to level up
Getting back into training after a year off. Can't wait!

Active 6h ago
Joined May 11, 2024
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