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One Tao Kung Fu Academy

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11 contributions to The Wing Chun Family
28 Day Self Mastery Blueprint and Training jounal
Starting the meditation blueprint mastery for 28 days, very excited and will record reflections here. Participated in the August health challenge with the group and have never succeeded in losing so much weight in the past and feeling strong. Looking forward to experiencing the change that this month will bring and make it into a habit rather than challenge! Looking forward to reprogramming myself into a more peaceful and loving being. ❤️
New comment 13h ago
2 likes • 1d
Wednesday 18th September 6:30an live - joined in at the end for state meditation. Listened to programming on blueprint mastery Did belief meditation Will do state meditation replay before bed Chatted to Sifu John today, I often struggle to find time to do live sessions, but I like to listen in whilst doing my things as it always makes me feel good, and reminds me to stay in alignment and tips and tricks for that. Like I said I know everything, but it’s hard to remember everythingc so it is good to have Sifu offer reminders and guidance. He also said that my feeling good with the live sessions is a reflection of my own sense of feeling good, so that means I just feel good, which is great! Today I was feeling frustrated with the kids, and normally I would blame it on them. But I told them that “I am feeling annoyed, and it has nothing to do with you.” in order to take ownership of the feeling. I was getting tired, it was getting a bit much, so I stopped and read a book to the kids instead. It is good to stay in alignment with the state, and to remind myself what my potential and intentions are. I am an infinite being, I am subject to only what I hold in mind (I remember it now!)
2 likes • 14h
@Mike Stern haha yes indeed. Today I lost it and chucked some toys at them! Doesn’t always work out the way I had imagined! 😂
Ujjai Pranayama Demo
Hey Kung Fu Clan! Here is a set of demonstrations on Ujjai Parnayama (OCEAN SOUNDING BREATH) The first video is the basic form and sound of the pranayama that, along with it’s physically beneficial effects, infuses a powerful sonic meditative state within. The second demonstration is an example of how to increasingly open the glottis. Much like practicing Siu Nim Tao slowly (or on one foot,) the practice of constricting one’s flow of oxygen during pranayama, not only provides an internal trance state…it also enhances one’s ability to understand how to relax and open one’s vital air pathways when the full power of our lungs is required.
New comment 4d ago
2 likes • 5d
@T.j. Thompson thanks for the videos, it’s amazing you truly sound like you have a Darth Vader mask on! You have amazing lung capacity!!! I actually tried out the technique over the last few days since you first posted it and I love it. It’s so simple, and does add an extra layer to the breathing work. Thanks for sharing.
September: Wing Chun Practice & 28 Day Meditation Challenge Journal
Hi Folks, I spent the last month on another activity that was held in the ‘paid/costs money’ community where I increased my physical fitness and managed to dissolve 5 kg of body fat and also gain a couple of kilo’s of lean mass.. I am pretty happy with that outcome and cant wait to hear how the rest of the entrants ended up! Also.. this month is an awesome challenge running in the paid community… ‘the 28 Day Meditation Challenge’. Sifu has prepared 28 days of lessons and meditations to follow each day, plus other transforming, empowering things for us to do each day and i’ll be logging my progress on this event in this channel. If you are interested in getting involved, drop a note to Sifu. It would be awesome to have heaps of people doing this, because as Sifu often says, when it comes to energy and meditation, having more people involved is like ‘more batteries…. more POWER’. 🕊️❤️🥋
New comment 2d ago
September: Wing Chun Practice & 28 Day Meditation Challenge Journal
4 likes • 10d
@Ward Britton I would be keen to, I could try to do Thursday and Friday morning, I can try to make it tomorrow morning but I might be pushing my luck
4 likes • 8d
@Ward Britton sounds amazing! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning
This breath is as good as gold, or even better. It is definitely one of the magical gifts of breathing. This breath will have an effect on you physically, mentally and spiritually, even after a short practice. It makes you immediately stronger when practicing; increases your concentration mentally, and spiritually; draws you into meditation which opens you to states not immediately received through your other senses. Practice without it, leaves a lot to be desired. This breath unites mental time and space with your physical time and space, with the immediate result of increased concentration and what is experienced as increased strength. Named for both the sound this breath makes and for the rhythmic waves of energy created by its practice, the OCEAN SOUNDING BREATH is the fundamental breathing exercise which accompanies almost all forms and movement. The pranayama is performed by taking long, slow and deep breaths while slightly contracting the back of the throat in the area of the glottis, and allowing your tongue to rest on the upper palate, just behind your front teeth. Making this subtle muscular contraction creates the whooshing sound in the back of the throat which sounds like the rising and falling of an ocean tide. The tongue being placed on the palate in this way, also assists a direct energetic alignment conduit from the Xià Dāntián/Lower Dantian to the Shàng Dāntián/Upper Dantian. PRACTICE • Begin in a comfortable seated position, starting with the COMPLETE 3-PART BREATH. (Dhurga Pranayama) • Notice how bringing attention to the long, slow breathing through your nose begins to relax your body and calm your mind. • Listen to the sound of the breath as it enters and leaves through the nostrils. • Bring your focus to the back of your throat and observe how it is possible to exaggerate the whooshing sound as you breathe. Slightly contract the back of the throat and make the whooshing sound as though you are fogging a window or a pair of eyeglasses-- on both the inhaling and exhaling breath. (While learning the technique of this breath, you may want to
New comment 8d ago
4 likes • 8d
This is great, thanks for sharing! I love it!
28 Day Meditation Challenge🧘🏽‍♂️
Jai Sat Chit Ananda, One Tao Clan! I am finally found the opportunity to start posting my 28 day meditation journal and check in🎉 Similar to last month I will be combining the posts of the monthly challenge with my daily training journal. “ 28 day” implementations and goal intention achievements will be marked with a “🧘🏽‍♂️” Intention for the 28 Day Challenge will adapt as I progress through the month, and complete my manifesto. Lifestyle implementations will continue from last month’s Health Challenge. Though, I have decided to add a couple new “strive goals” as directed by Sifu’s curriculum, and inspired by some others within the One Tao Clan. Some of these new implementations include: ~ Digesting the information, and following the curriculum of the “28 Day Meditation Challenge & Self Mastery Blueprint.” ~ Deepening my personal meditation practice, and expanding my teaching practice. ~ Adding personally specific Affirmations & Mantras to my daily focus ~ Returning Pull-ups to my daily physical routine ~ Immersing myself even deeper into the One Tao Training and community, including applying to, and hopefully beginning, OTKFA teacher training! So stoked to make September my most fulfilling month this year!!
New comment 7h ago
28 Day Meditation Challenge🧘🏽‍♂️
5 likes • 13d
@T.j. Thompson wow, amazing work brother!
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Corianne Kwan
3points to level up

Active 2h ago
Joined Jul 5, 2024
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