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Are You Clear on Your Best Sales Process Yet?
Knowing how to reliably and consistently get people to go from "cold to sold" will be one of your greatest advantages in business. Most beginners are CLUELESS when it comes to how to get clients. Many people have paid me $10,000 just to help them with this ONE problem... My suggestion for building the best sales process? 1) See how others are selling 2) Map out your similar sales process on Miro so you can clearly see your “Cold to Sold” process at a glance. Being able to see the journey your customer takes to go from not knowing who you are, to paying you money, is incredibly helpful. Because once you can see it, you can heavily optimize it. Once someone goes through the journey once, you can get more people to go through that journey faster - again and again. So spend some time now and clearly draw out every step of your sales process. Note: Make sure your sales process is filled with things you enjoy/want to do. You want to LOVE the process. It should feel rewarding to you. For example: Here’s my current sales process: Instagram Story → DM → 15 min Discovery Call → 60 min Sales Call → Client. And here’s the sales process I used to use: YT/FB Ad → Webinar → Sales Call → Client Here’s another one I used to use: FB Friend Add → Group Invite → DM → Discovery Call → Strategy Call Another one of my (super simple) favourite sales flows is: Free Joint Venture Promo → JV Workshop → 60 min sales call. Again, I suggest mapping out your process on Miro so you can clearly see your entire flow at a glance. Ultimately, what I see all great sales processes have in common are 3 C’s 1) Content 2) Conversations 3) Clients In summary: If your content is great, it will lead to great conversations with real people (be it in the DM’s, comment section, or on the phone). Those conversations (if done correctly) will then lead to those people becoming clients. And when you work with those clients and get them results, they’ll be happy to shoot a video testimonial for you, which you can then use as content…
New comment 20d ago
Are You Clear on Your Best Sales Process Yet?
1 like • Nov '23
This was so helpful. I can’t wait to start trying it out.
What PAIN are you helping people alleviate?
If you can clearly articulate the pain someone is going through right now, they’ll automatically assume you have the solution they need and will want to buy from you NOW. Why? Because humans will do more to move away from pain than you will to move towards pleasure. If I woke you up at 3am and said “Hey let’s go eat your favourite food and play your favourite video game!” you’d tell me to go away. But if I woke you up at 3am and said “Hey, your house is on fire!” You’d get out of bed and have all the energy in the world to stay alive. Everyone else is the same. We’re wired for survival. And pain is close to death. So, what are the biggest pain points people experience from this problem? Write a list of at least 10 pain points that you know for sure people are experiencing as a result of this problem. Here are a couple more questions to help you get clearer: What pain did you used to experience? What are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th order of consequences that result from the problem? (These are like the side effects... These are what make the problem so bad!) Here are some Examples Problem: Being overweight Pains associated with being overweight: 1. Embarrassed to take off my shirt at the beach. 2. Can never get good photos worth posting on social media. 3. Can’t fit into my favourite clothes. 4. Friends make fun of me. 5. Women/Men don’t want to date me. 6. I have to pay for diabetes medication. 7. I’m insecure about going out in public. 8. Can’t fit in airplane seats. Remember: If you can clearly articulate the pain someone is probably going through right now, they’ll automatically assume you have the solution they need.
New comment 20d ago
What PAIN are you helping people alleviate?
0 likes • Nov '23
I love how you said clearly articulate their problem then that means you have the solution.
What problem are you solving?
Everything everyone buys (even me and you) is because of a problem we want solved. Think about it… Problem: We're hungry. Solution: We buy fruit. Problem: We're tired. Solution: We buy a hotel room for the night. Problem: We're overweight. Solution: We hire a personal trainer. Problem: We're lonely. Solution: We buy Tinder Pro. Problem: We hate our jobs. Solution: We buy an online business training to learn to make money with our own business. As you can see, all payments arise from problems… So, what is the ONE main problem people are having right now that’s preventing them from enjoying the promise and pleasure that you know you can help them experience? Remember, the 4 main areas that people spend the most money are: 1) Relationships 2) Money 3) Beauty 4) Pain Relief Are they feeling alone? Are they broke? Are they overweight? Are they in chronic pain? Here are a few more questions to help you get clearer: What was a big problem you had that you wanted solving before your transformation? What were all the little problems you used to have? What keeps people up at night stressing? What kept you up at night before your transformation? Who else solves this problem really well right now in their business? “Legendary entrepreneurs make their mark by identifying and articulating a problem and designing and evangelizing the solution.” - Christopher Lochead, author of Niche Down Make sure you can clearly identify and articulate a real problem people are willing to pay to solve before proceeding to the next question. No problem = no payment. Comment your answer below 👇
New comment 11d ago
What problem are you solving?
0 likes • Nov '23
The problem I am solving is up leveling people’s lives through their transformation they have begun inning a healthier lifestyle. They will feel good, look sexy, pain free, abundance of energy, vibrant, revitalized. By helping them detox and loose weight.
What pleasure will people get from your program?
If I'm going to pay you $1,000+ for your coaching program, I better be getting some pleasure from it! So ask yourself: What are the pleasures associated with having achieved the end result/promise that you help people with? For example: If you help someone lose weight, some of the pleasures they're likely to experience are feeling more attractive, having deeper sleeps, fitting into sexier clothing, having a better day to day mood, getting off their medications, looking better on IG pics, being able to grow their IG following faster, being able to inspire their family members and friends to get into great shape, live longer, etc. Knowing the pleasures you can help someone achieve will help you speak to people’s core desires, and make your program extremely attractive to your prospects. The pleasure someone gets from the end result/promise is WHY they want this end result in the first place. If you’re unsure what pleasure someone will get from the end result you're promising, try answering these questions: • So what sort of pleasures would YOU feel if you were to achieve this end result? • What are people going to be able to do or have that they can’t do or have now as a result of achieving this end result? • What positive emotions will they feel? • How will their life be better on a day to day basis as a result of achieving this? Tangibly speaking. Write your answers in the comments below 👇
New comment 1h ago
What pleasure will people get from your program?
1 like • Nov '23
My program will help my clients feel great, pain free, with energy, vitality. Being able to fulfill their passion for life
What's your promise?
Most contentpreneurs either have a TERRIBLE promise or not promise at all and then wonder why they struggle with making sales... The clearer you are on your promise and the better your promise is, the easier it will be to make sales. What's a promise? This highly desireable end result people get when they've gone through your program is called the “promise”. Example promises: Drop 10lbs in 30 days Earn $10,000 in 90 days Speak fluent Spanish in 60 days Eliminate your Germany accent in 90 days Get a date on Tinder within 7 days Grow your Instagram by 1,000 people in 2 weeks Notice how NONE of these examples are vague or general? They're all highly specific, and often highly desireable. If you're unsure what YOUR promise is, one of the easiest ways to determine what your promise is to just look and see what other people are already selling. This tells you what other people are already buying :) The 4 main ‘desire areas’ that people spend the most money are: 1) Relationships 2) Money 3) Beauty 4) Pain Relief Note: You do NOT have to be an expert in any of these fields right now, but you need to at least be interested in a field and be prepared to study it and learn more about it. You should like (but ideally LOVE) the topic enough to be talking about it in your content & conversations daily. When I first started coaching business, I knew very little, but I knew enough about it to help people with it and I knew I wanted to study it more. What sort of end result would someone happily pay at least $1,000 to achieve? What sort of end result would YOU pay $1,000 to achieve? Chances are, both answers have to do with 1 of the above 4 categories. An amazing bonus question is: Who is already promising this end result and making good money selling it? If you can’t find at least 3 people who are already selling something like this, you’ll likely have an incredibly hard time selling it. So make it easy on yourself and just find something other people are already selling!
New comment 1d ago
What's your promise?
2 likes • Nov '23
I’m focusing on the end result of looking great, feeling great, pain free, through detoxing.
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Lauriena Cruz
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Nutritional Health Coach working with highly motivated individuals who are ready to transform their lives through their health.

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Joined Mar 14, 2023
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