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36 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
🚀 [Funnel Builder Tips] - The Often Overlooked Follow-Up Funnel 💥
Hey Fellow Prime Movers! Today, I want to share a game-changing strategy I just learned from Russell Brunson’s training that could MULTIPLY your results — introducing the Follow-Up Funnel! This invisible second funnel has the power to take your business to the NEXT LEVEL by maximizing the value of every lead that enters your funnel. What I Learned: The Power of Follow-Up Funnels When people think of funnels, they often think about the front-end funnel where someone opts in and makes a purchase. But here’s the secret — your Follow-Up Funnel is where the real magic happens! Russell showed how for every $1 he made in his core funnel, he made $16.49 through his Follow-Up Funnel. 🤯 That’s 16x the return! How You Can Apply This: 1. Start with a Simple Email Sequence: You don’t need to create hundreds of emails at once. Start with a few emails that guide your customers through a logical sequence of content, offers, and value. 2. Think About Your Audience’s Journey: If your ideal customer (or even your MOM!) joined your list today, what’s the FIRST thing you want them to experience? What’s the next? And the next? Map out their journey and create emails that guide them step by step. 3. Automate It: Once your Follow-Up Funnel is built, it works for you 24/7, guiding your leads through your world and maximizing your impact without any extra effort. Use ClickFunnels to ensure your sequences keep running smoothly. How I’m Putting This into Practice: I’m currently diving deep into all the training on Follow-Up Funnels — learning everything about building templates, tagging, broadcasts, adding workflows, and more! 🛠️ Once I complete the training and pass all my tests, I’ll be certified in Follow-Up Funnels!!! This will allow me to add this to the list of benefits I can offer to my partners, helping them scale their businesses and hit their goals of reaching the 2 Comma Club! 💥🔥 Now it’s YOUR turn! Have you started building your Follow-Up Funnel yet? If not, what’s stopping you?
New comment 5d ago
🚀 [Funnel Builder Tips] - The Often Overlooked Follow-Up Funnel 💥
You are rocking this ! thank you! you should create a pdf for all your tips! i cant even follow up you post really quality content :)
Any thoughts? Simple waitlist page vs nice and cute landing page: conversion same
Hi! I am launching first webinar for offer this saturday. To make sure I was not behind, i created a waitilist page just saying: Do not miss what we are working on behind the scenes.. no engagement, no dates etc. this where I get 812 (42% conversion) people as of this morning, with only 2 newsletter with no big headlines or invite. Yesterday, i launch the webinar landing page, just with on or 2 posts, i got 43% conversion.. so not a big difference.. any thoughts Prime movers? @Vince Green @chris?
New comment 14d ago
Any thoughts? Simple waitlist page vs nice and cute landing page: conversion same
0 likes • 14d
@J Z
0 likes • 14d
@Rovan Deon its converting at 43%. almost better then the landing page itself.
FHL has a killer headline, let me tell you why.
I looked at FHL's order form. It's built, proven, to convert sales on tickets averaging 1,000, right? Ignore the fact that it's 97 bucks, it's the same one that they've used before. The title says: Attend Funnel Hacking Live Online For FREE (And Only Pay At The End If You Feel Like It's Worth It)! ...or Pay $97 Up-Front and Get All of the Replays for FREE! This title conveys a compelling and risk-free offer for the online event. It suggests that attendees can participate in the event without any initial payment and only pay afterward if they believe the experience was valuable. The alternative option presented is to pay $97 upfront and, in return, receive all the event replays for free. Key elements conveyed: Risk-Free Participation: The "attend for free" option reduces the perceived risk, making it more appealing to potential participants who might be hesitant to commit financially without knowing what they'll get. Value Proposition: The emphasis on only paying if the event is deemed "worth it" suggests confidence in the quality of the event, which can instill trust and attract attendees. Incentive for Upfront Payment: Offering the replays for free as an incentive for those who choose to pay upfront provides an added value that might appeal to those who prefer access to the content later on. Choice and Flexibility: The title gives potential attendees a choice between a no-risk option and an option that includes a tangible benefit, catering to different preferences and increasing the likelihood of conversions. So, look at YOUR headline, YOUR offer. How can you hit these four elements with it? How can you use this to offer something WILDLY new in your industry? Hint: it doesn't need to be an event like FHL.
New comment 17d ago
0 likes • 18d
true. I love reading you guys aha's.. i wonder how they proceed for reimbursement however.. making this happen with the amout of people, personnaly in my business, even ifi its only 2% of the event, its 200 people to follow through manually? for payment or reimbursement?
0 likes • 17d
@Robert Macbeth oh wow, i did not get that.. my system would not allow this however for now..
How to Break the Algorithm & Go Viral - Together!
Are you doing the 60 second webinars for your social content? Try this: FIRST - Turn on notifications to this post. THEN... 1. When you post content on social media, put the link here (or even better - share the platform (IG, FB, YT, etc) and key search terms *algo likes this better*) 2. We all go and like/comment on the social post. 3. When someone else posts, go ASAP to like/comment on their social post. 4. Repeat daily! You in?
New comment 14d ago
How to Break the Algorithm & Go Viral - Together!
4 likes • Aug 17
I think what the intention is: share your step on social media so the tribe can assess, support or give feed back..
1 like • Aug 17
@Joe Pomeroy exactly
Why most people fail to make money online
Can I save you years of time in one post? First off… if you are in this community, you are not most people. You are a Prime Mover! On Day 1 Russell said "Most people are not clear on what they want so it's difficult for them to take action because they don't even know what to take action on." I would even go as far to say, even if people think they know what they want, they build the wrong business to get them to what they want. I spent 7 years building the wrong business trying to figure out this selling online thing. When I found Russell online, things just started to click. In late 2018 went through the One Funnel Away challenge again and again. Finally in 2019, I got clear on what I wanted. These goals were‘not like my life passion level 10 goals (I couldn't see that far ahead) buy they were enough to get me started and taking massive action. I knew that I wanted to: 1. Leave my full time job as a waiter 2. Pay off my student loan debt 3. Win the ClickFunnels Dream Car Award 4. Earn the 2 Comma Club Award 5. Join Russell Brunson's Inner Circle 6. Speak on Stage at Funnel Hacking Live Now for context, I did the first two goals within 2 months, but it took me 4 years to complete the rest. However, I never gave up and accomplished something many people dream of but may never get to. But if I had to go back to 2012 to figure out what I wanted sooner, I would go through this process. What I want to share is a combination of things I’ve learned from Russell, Jim Rohn, and Dr. John Demartini. I call this Discovering Your Greatness 👉 Step 1: WHO 1. Who inspires you the most and why? 2. What are the top characteristics that attract you to each person? 3. What causes do you strongly believe in? 4. What are your deepest values? 5. Narrow them down to your top 5 values. 6. Based in your answers above, list everything and anyone who you believe you can help. 7. Which group of people do you feel the most interest or excitement about helping?
New comment 26d ago
3 likes • Aug 16
Thank you soooooooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Krystine ST Laurent
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Wellness expert, best-selling author helping overwhelmed humans , entrepreneurs reconnect, find balance, and cultivate authentic self care. Beyond.

Active 51m ago
Joined Aug 12, 2024
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