Why most people fail to make money online
Can I save you years of time in one post?
First off… if you are in this community, you are not most people. You are a Prime Mover!
On Day 1 Russell said "Most people are not clear on what they want so it's difficult for them to take action because they don't even know what to take action on."
I would even go as far to say, even if people think they know what they want, they build the wrong business to get them to what they want.
I spent 7 years building the wrong business trying to figure out this selling online thing.
When I found Russell online, things just started to click. In late 2018 went through the One Funnel Away challenge again and again.
Finally in 2019, I got clear on what I wanted. These goals were‘not like my life passion level 10 goals (I couldn't see that far ahead) buy they were enough to get me started and taking massive action.
I knew that I wanted to:
  1. Leave my full time job as a waiter
  2. Pay off my student loan debt
  3. Win the ClickFunnels Dream Car Award
  4. Earn the 2 Comma Club Award
  5. Join Russell Brunson's Inner Circle
  6. Speak on Stage at Funnel Hacking Live
Now for context, I did the first two goals within 2 months, but it took me 4 years to complete the rest.
However, I never gave up and accomplished something many people dream of but may never get to.
But if I had to go back to 2012 to figure out what I wanted sooner, I would go through this process.
What I want to share is a combination of things I’ve learned from Russell, Jim Rohn, and Dr. John Demartini.
I call this Discovering Your Greatness
👉 Step 1: WHO
  1. Who inspires you the most and why?
2. What are the top characteristics that attract you to each person?
3. What causes do you strongly believe in?
4. What are your deepest values?
5. Narrow them down to your top 5 values.
6. Based in your answers above, list everything and anyone who you believe you can help.
7. Which group of people do you feel the most interest or excitement about helping?
8. If you could get a message across to a large group of people, who would those people be?
9. What would your message be?
🛑 Action Step: Define WHO you want to help.
👉 Step 2: WHAT
1. What makes you smile? What do you love? (Activites, people, events, hobbies, projects, etc.)
2. What are your favorite things to do in the past? What about now?
3. What activities make you lose track of time? What activities do you love to learn about that make you lose track of time? What books are reading?
4. What makes you feel great about yourself?
5. What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts, etc). What do others think you're good at? What are people consistently asking for your help with?
6. What would you regret not fully doing, being, or having in your life?
7. Imagine you are at the end of your life. You are at peace, you are happy, you are fulfilled and pleased with the life you have been blessed with. What matters to you most?
8. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
9. What were some challenges, difficulties and hardships you've overcome or are in the process of overcoming? How did you do it?
10. What are the instances in which you've felt most alive and vibrant?
11. How are you unique?
12. How do you fill your personal and/or professional space?
13. How do you spend your extra money? Why do you choose to spend you money on them? What feelings do these purchases bring you?
14. Where do you have the most order and organization? Where are you most reliable?
15. What are three things that make you memorable?
16. What do you desire? What do you visualize for your life that is slowly coming true?
17. What do people always compliment you on?
18. What do you never grow tired of talking about in your personal life or work?
19. What subjects do you love talking about? What are your special talents you've ben genetically coded to do? What have you been good at since you were a kid?
🛑 Action Step: " What do you want to help your "who" do?
👉 Step 3: WHY
Your personal mission statement consists of 3 parts:
1.Who do I want to help?
2.What do I want to help them do?
3.Why do I want to help them do that?
Steps to Creating your Mission Statement:
1. List out actions words you connect with. (Examples): educate, accomplish, empower, encourage, improve, help, give, guide, inspire, integrate, master, motivate, nurture, organize, produce, promote, travel, spread, share, satisfy, understand, teach, write, etc.
2.Identify your end goal. How will the ‘who’ from your above answer benefit from what you ‘do’? Why do you want to help that group do that?
3.Combine steps 1-2into a sentence, or 2-3 sentences.
🛑 Action Step: What is your personal mission statement?
It is now time to test your personal mission statement to find out if it is worthy of you. Use the four-point test below to decide whether or not your personal mission is worthy of your life. You want a 9 or 10 for all five of the questions below. If your personal mission statement does not meet all four of the requirements, you will have the opportunity later on to adjust it.
On a scale of 1 - 10...
  1. On what level does your personal mission statement make you feel alive?
2. On what level does your personal mission statement align with your top 5 values?
3. On what level does your personal mission statement require you to grow?
4. On what level is there "good" in tour personal mission for others?
👉 Step 4: Choose Your Market, Niche & Sub-niche
Main Market: Wealth, Health, Relationships
Niche: Smaller category within your market
Sub-Niche: Smaller category within your niche
Wealth - Real Estate - Wholesaling
Wealth - Make Money Online - Clickfunnels Affiliate Marketing
Health - Fitness - High intensity Interval Training
Health - Nutrition - Ketogenic dieting
Relationships - Self Development - Core Values
Relationships - Partnerships - Divorce Prevention
🛑 Action Step: Get specific with your market, niche and sub- niche.
👉 Step 5: Define your ideal customer
Demographics -
Marital Status
# of Children
Job Title
Annual Income
Level of Education
Source of Information (where are they seeking info) -
Online Communities
Social Media Platforms
The Mind Of Your Customer -
Top Objections - List out what is holding them back
🛑 Action Step: Fill out the above information in detail about your ideal customer.
👉 Step 6: Research
What are they already buying? Seek information about what they like and what the dislike about what they are buying. Check book reviews, course reviews, Trust Pilot, Facebook Page Reviews, Comments/questions in communities, Poll and survey them, etc.
Based on your research, how can you create an offer that provides more of what they like, and less of what they dislike. Find the gap in your market and create the solution.
🛑 Action Step: Do your research and use it to create your offer
👉 Step 7: Goal Setting
  1. List out 5 things you are proud of accomplishing
2. List out as many goals that you have for your life as you can and then put a number next to each one. This number is the timeframe in which you wish to achieve that goal. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years.
3. Focus on choosing your top five 1 year goals and list them out.
4. Next to each one, list why that goal is important to you.
5. Next to that why, write who you must become to achieve that goal.
6. Next, you are going to act as that person you need to become starting today. What do you no longer do that your past self who doesn't have these goals did and thought. What does the person you are becoming choose to do and be every day?
🛑 Action Step: Determine your top five 1 year goals.
👉 Step 8: Link You Goals To You Values
Write down your 5 goals on the left side of your notebook. Next to it, create 5 columns. At the top of each column, write down your top 5 values, one per column. Then next to the goal and below each value, write down how each value can help you accomplish the goals you have and what do you need to start doing or stop doing in order to express the value and achieve the goal.
Goals Value #1 - Family | #2 - Freedom | #3 - Faith | #4 - Success | #5 - Play
🛑 Action Step: Complete the above for each goal.
👉 Step 9: Project Planning
You are going to tie every goal to a series of projects you must complete in order to achieve that 1 year goal. Do this for all of your 1 year goals. Next to each one add a due date and 1 daily habit you need to adopt to take action to complete that project by that date.
Goal #1 | Projects to achieve goal | Due date | #1 Daily Habit
Goal #1
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Goal #2 | Projects to achieve goal |Due date #1 | Daily Habit
Goal #2
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Goal #3 | Projects to achieve goal | Due date | #1 Daily Habit
Goal #3
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
And so on...
🛑 Action Step: Complete the above for each goal.
👉 Step 10: 30 Day Action Tasks
Now you will list out your priority project for each goal (Project 1) and list out all of the tasks you need to do to accomplish that project.
Goal #1 | Project #1 | Tasks | Due date
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Goal #2 | Project #1 | Tasks | Due date
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Goal #3 | Project #1 | Tasks | Due date
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
And so on...
🛑 Action Step: Complete the above for each project.
👉 Step 11: Daily Tracking
Add each of the tasks to your calendar in 1 hour blocks or less. Track your habits of who you must become in order to stay focused each day.
My daily habits Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | and so on to 31
Habit 1
Habit 2
Habit 3
Habit 4
Habit 5
List out as many as you can but start with a few of the most important as you track this for the first month then add in more once you are consistent with these habits each day.
I slept 8 hours
I worked out
I honored my calendar
I read 10 pages
I didn't eat sugar
🛑 Action Step: Complete the in something simple like a Google Sheet
👉 Step 12: Write out your vision
Fill up an entire page or more writing your detailed vision for who you are and what your life looks like in 1 year from now.
  1. Who must I become?
2. Describe yourself when you are living the life of the person you wish to become in 1 year from now (Write as if you already have achieved this… “I am…”). Get detailed as possible. Describe all senses and talk about how you are feeling about each one. You want to make this visually as real as possible when you think about the words you wrote down as if you can shut your eyes it feels REAL!
3. Health: (Physical, Mental, Emotional)
4. Wealth/Finances:
5. Relationships:
6. Actions - What are you doing every day to take action and how are you doing that?
7. What do you need to do to become this person?
8. Sacrifices - What are the things you no longer do?
🛑 Action Step: Print this out and hang it on your wall. Read it every morning before you start your day. Shut your eyes and visualize it.
👉 Step 13: Cost of Inaction
What is the cost of inaction? What is at stake? What is it costing you? What is it costing your life partner/future life partner? What is it costing your family/future family? What is it costing your friends and loved ones? What is it costing the people who are waiting for you to help them (Your audience and community)?
Think about the impact you are making on others and the impact they will continue to carry on through you and to the people they impact. That is the ripple effect. What is it costing the world if you do not step into your vision and become who you are becoming to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself?
Get as specific as you can with every current and future relationship you have/can have.When you are not living your vision today:
  1. What is it costing you?
2. What is it costing your life partner/future life partner?
3. What is inaction costing your family/future family?
4. What is it costing your current and future friends and loved ones?
5. What is it costing your current and future audience and community?
6. What is inaction costing your clients/future clients?
  1. What is it costing the world?
I __________________________________ give myself permission to become the person who creates the reality I desire and know that I deserve it.Signature:____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
🛑 Action Step: Print this out, sign and date it. Hang it on your wall. Read it every morning before you start your day. Shut your eyes and visualize it.
If you made it this far and you really did read this entire post, you are already someone who has what it takes to become the top 1%. Now the question is, will you implement this and stick with it to become who you need to become?
Hope this helps and gives you some great insights to support you in achieving every single one of your goals over time 🙏
Doug Boughton
Why most people fail to make money online
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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