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Heroic Industries

Public • 63 • Free

4 contributions to Heroic Industries
Preferred Meals on Patrol
What is your go to meal or meals while on patrol or in an environment that is not an office setting?
New comment Aug 12
1 like • Aug 12
I cut sweat potatoes into cookies (pro tip: heat up in microwave for a couple minutes to make it easier to cut) place em in air fryer top with a lil avocado oil and chill powder ( don’t put sugar on that shit 😆) cook for about 12 minutes … AMAZING.. and a super easy snack OR as a side
Flex Friday
We are all on the same journey in many ways. Check this out post your thoughts in the comments:
New comment Aug 10
Flex Friday
2 likes • Aug 10
I’m with ya man .. feel like I fail in many ways staying consistent.. always having some sort of change in schedule or life events but I always feel better when I hit some sort of goal for the day no matter what it is .. I always feel like crap if I don’t meet that goal but never have I ever felt bad for completing it and just setting side the time .. I think that’s huge!! I’m here for ya and let me know if ya ever need a kick in the ass.. I know I need it sometimes
Day 1 // 100 push ups.
Let’s get after that 100 reps. Chunk it out in as many sets as needed!!!
New comment Aug 6
1 like • Aug 5
@Brent Mitzel you got this shit!! Even if you gotta do 1 or 2 at a time!! 💪🏼
1 like • Aug 6
Done ✅
🫵 Who are you!? 🫵
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and if you want to add your agency that's cool too. #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of you training or working. Here's mine: #1 - My name is Anthony Shefferly, I am a 16 year police officer in north east Indiana. #2 - What I want out of this community is to change the culture of First Responders when it comes to both physical and mental health. We are a group that is deteriorating by the minute and the time for action is now. This job is too important and the people that do the work are too important to allow us to simply rot and die. It's time to get strong and resilient. #3 - For fun I train...lifting weights, Jiu Jitsu, and heavy music are critical to life!!! lol #4... Here's one from SWAT training a few years back. Let's GET AFTER IT!!!
New comment Aug 5
🫵 Who are you!? 🫵
1 like • Aug 5
My name is Jason from Jacksonville, NC.38 years old. Did logging with my father’s business for 10 years. I was a Deputy for 12 years. In my free time I like to golf and go to different breweries around North and South Carolina. Been training in jujitsu for 4 years now and can’t preach enough to my fellow LEOs out there how important it is in our profession.
1 like • Aug 5
@Johnathon Miller being a Marine I’m sure you’re familiar with ole Camp Lejeune 😜… good luck on your transition over to LE and let us know if you have any questions, it looks like there is a lot of years of experience on this page😀
1-4 of 4
Jason Straughan
13points to level up
12 year Deputy, recently moved over to the federal side, trying something new!

Active 27d ago
Joined Aug 5, 2024
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