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Wheel Warriors

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16 contributions to Wheel Warriors
Favourite Cardio?
What do you guys enjoy doing for cardio? I definitely prefer being out in the sun for mine, just pushing normally. I get too bored indoors šŸ˜…
New comment Mar 29
2 likes ā€¢ Mar 7
I like the arm bike at the gym. It's helping get better at pushing myself.
1 like ā€¢ Mar 29
@Danny Westwood yes it does
Chair Fitting Tips?
Hey Warriors, hope you've had a incredible weekend! I'm getting fitted for a new chair today šŸ˜ I've gotten a lot of good tips on the community catch up calls and thought it'd be great to have a post for everyone to share their tips. What's your biggest tip when being fitted for a new chair?
New comment Feb 15
2 likes ā€¢ Feb 12
I'm interested to hear people's tips because I'm being referred to my local hospital to get my first proper chair. Just waiting for the paperwork to be sorted.
Drop your questions here!
Hey Warriors, if you have any questions around: -Nutrition -Training -Mindset -Supplements -TRT (Testosterone Replacement) -Anything else Please drop them here and I will respond ASAP!
New comment Jan 9
0 likes ā€¢ Dec '23
@Danny Westwood I've been on TRT for just over 11 years (fornanother condition) and I was told that the version @Gavin Clarke is on (I'm assuming Nebido by the dosage you stated) is the most stable for mood swings by both my endocrinologist and psychiatrist, and I've actually found it far better than the daily gels used in the UK for my bipolar disorder. I'm actually on 1000mg/4ml every 10 weeks to get me in the lower end of the male range because my body barely produces testosterone. It actually takes several weeks for the testosterone to be absorbed from the glutes, so it results in less peaks and troughs than other forms of TRT.
Happy Thursday Warriors. I find when I'm getting anxious or angry or sad... any of those horrible feels we all hate. It's hard to snap out of them for a while . The thing that works for me is listening to music . Its hard with all the different challenges everyone faces on a daily and being mindful of how sometimes you may loose control emotionally is even harder especially around your loved ones when you just need time alone but can't have it do to needing help with care or doctors appointments ... the list goes on.. .. MUSIC is my go to. I'm rambling now but I just want to help. What's your go to? Share some of your favorite tunes and I will share mine . My go to right now when I wanna just belt out some lyrics is Monsters by Shine Down . Have a great day.
New comment Dec '23
0 likes ā€¢ Dec '23
@Sarah Whitton same here
New to wheelchair - pushing tips?
Hey everyone, I'm a part time wheelchair user, and now that I'm more than 12 weeks post emergency spinal surgery I'm allowed to push myself around. I'm finding it a bit tricky though and was wondering if anyone would mind sharing some tips for a newbie? I know practice makes perfect and I'll get better at it if I keep working out my upper body and core. I want to get good enough so that I can be independent in the chair when going out, also so that I can take up a wheelchair sport (hopefully some time next year). I don't have a custom chair yet, so I'm using a basic folding chair and it can be difficult to reach the wheels because of the arm rests and wheel placement. I think the arm rests come off; would it be worth trying without them if they do? My only worry then is that I don't think there'd be anything to keep me and my comfy coccyx support cushion on the actual seat bit (I guess the seatbelt I use would keep me on it but probably not the cushion). Gloves or no gloves? I've tried with both and gloves are annoying but I got friction burns the only time I tried without. Is it a case of the more I push the more my hands would get used to it? Hills are a problem, as are uneven surfaces. How is best to push down a hill and stay in control of the chair? I know I'm not strong enough to push uphill yet, so I have to get someone to help with that. How do you keep your chair going straight on uneven surfaces e.g. going over the pavement where there's a dropped curve for a driveway? Also, how do you get up dropped curbs when crossing roads without tipping yourself up or getting stuck unable to get up the curb if it's not quite level with the road? Does anyone have any links to good videos showing good pushing techniques?
New comment Dec '23
0 likes ā€¢ Dec '23
@Vik Courreges We looked at this and the chair was already on the other hole you mentioned. I've found it easier to push without the sides on but still feels weird withough having them on. I guess I'll get used to it though. The rims on this chair are actually metal. It's why they're so hard to grip. I went into town yesterday in my chair with my partner and I nearly fell backwards trying to go up a dropped kerb that was on a slope that was a bit steep, and then started sliding sideways back down it after trying to put a leg down to stop myself rolling backwards. Luckily a really nice lady stopped and held the back of my chair so I wouldn't fall further whilst I used all my strength to push myself up the slope. She wasn't able to help push me because she herself wss using 2 sticks to walk with. I was shocked by how many people just walked past without helping when they could clearly see I was going to fall into the road. Morale of the story is: don't send your partner to the shop and say you're able to cross the road yourself when you're still not that experienced at pushing yourself in a chair.
0 likes ā€¢ Dec '23
@Charlotte Howes I'm waiting on a referral to wheelchair services. I will chase it up on Wednesday when I see my PT. I've started using some tactical gloves that seem to help a bit. I do have some Fox motocross gloves from when I used to go mountainbiking so might have to dig those out.
1-10 of 16
George Hadden
19points to level up
Cauda Equina Syndrome - emergency discectomy for L5/S1 herniation on 16.08.23. L3/L4 bulging too. Patchy feeling below the waist. Ambuplegic.

Active 14d ago
Joined Oct 24, 2023
Nottingham, UK
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