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Please can someone review this copy for me
Please can someone review this copy for me I am an artist who designs hand painted clothes and articles and I want people to patronize me so I hope to put in on a flyer and paste it across the street. STAND OUT WITH CUSTOM HAND PAINTED FASHION Wanna look different and get noticed? Isn't yet time to do things differently from how you do them often? Looking for something unique to rock the next party or create content that elevate your presence on Instagram and TikTok, My hand painted custom is all you need. Here is why you worth it ? Are you a TikToker ,a dancer, DJ, party or fashion influencers you can create proffessional and unique content that stands out and grab your audience attention with our customs. Do you wish to be the “center of attention” in any party and stand out to be the envy of the crowd do it effortlessly with our beautiful customs design. Imagine surprising your babe or loved ones on their birthday with our customs so that you leave big smiles on their faces and lasting impressions on their souls Our neat computer -like hand painted custom are tailored to your style and choice. Don't worry, Yes, it doesn't wash off and it's long lasting and durable. And our services are risk free we grant 100% refund policy in case of any dissatisfaction. Still contemplating? call or text these number now for more enquires 20% discount for first 20 persons act fast and get your discount. 08127440328 Thanks you
New comment 7d ago
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@Jonny Ross thank you so much sir
Yes COPYWRITERS COME FIRST ⚠️ Let me explain. ❌SEO happens when a client has enough to spend on long-term organic reach ❌Marketing comes when a client has the money to spend on ads (most new businesses don't have it) ❌Website/development comes when they grow. It's a myth that you need a website when you start your business. I created my website in the 3rd year of my business ❌Graphics and pretty pictures come when you need to connect with a wider audience. Plus, basic editing can be done on one phone [I used to edit myself in the beginning] But copywriting is something that helps... ✅You create solid offers to pitch ✅You write engaging posts ✅You write scripts that convert and increase your reach ✅You understand funnels and how to reel customers in ✅You steer your business in the right direction ✅You use AI the right way and make the most out of your time Hope u understood?
AIDA vs ARaADRAR (lol)
I think AIDA is outdated, here's how I prefer to consider content: The brain is able to handle these processes all within split seconds. 1. Anticipation = "I believe I know what's going to happen next, but not specifically, and I'm ready to find out." *swipes up* 2. Rapid Assessment = The brain rapidly takes in relevant information and context, trying to "figure out" what it's seeing. 3. Associations = Your brain cross-checks it's memory and existing mental models, taps into existing schema. 4. Determination = What am I seeing/about to see? Was I given enough information, context or interest to determine if I believe there's a pay-off at the end that I'm willing to wait for/engage in? 5. Repeat = this continues in loops just about every second, until you generate a new Anticipation and decide to relax and engage. 6. Assess = Did this content meet or break expectations?? 7. Relay = Tell the brain to store this outcome for future videos. *swipe up*
New comment 12d ago
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@Jonny Ross oh it looks interesting I can't wait to see u write a copy with this frame work I am really looking forward for it
Symbols, Archetypes, & Associations to Appeal to Charity; American Red Cross, 1917
- A/S = Solution/"Product" Awareness ("I know war relief efforts exist, I've heard of Red Cross."), Sophistication Stage = Stage 2, developing a stronger appeal than competitors. the ad enlarges and emotionally deepens the war relief appeal. - The ad jumps straight into the appeal of helping restore families and hearths back to their true warmth, after so being so deeply affected by ruthless destruction of war. - Very clear emotional reasoning, - Curates the archetype of the Caring, Gentle Mother to associate with the efforts of the brand. The GREATEST MOTHER in the WORLD Stretching forth her hands to all in need; to Jew or Gentile, black or white; knowing no favorite, yet favoring all. - immediate identity appeal to Christians in the biblical language, cultural non-racist appeal during struggling race relations - poetic language Ready and eager to comfort at a time when comfort is most needed. Helping the little home that's crushed beneath an iron hand by showing mercy in a healthy, human. way; rebuilding it, in fact, with stone on stone, replenishing empty bins and empty cupboards; bringing warmth to hearts and hearths too long neglected. - This ad was for WW1 relief efforts, around 1917-18 (mostly medical aid here in the states, and more physical rebuilding in European fronts). - Probably a welcomed, humanitarian effort that took no sides and wanted only to help rebuild - tugging emotional heartstrings of torn families, vivid imagery of empty homes Seeing all things with a mother's sixth sense that's blind to jealousy and meanness; seeing ...(???)... as naughty children snatching, biting, bitter-but with a hidden side that's quickest touched by mercy. - again evoking the symbol of the kind mother, an archetypal association to help build and communicate the humanitarian message. - developing that archetype through imagery and associations of child-care Reaching out her hands across the sea to No Man's land; to cheer with warmer
New comment 12d ago
Symbols, Archetypes, & Associations to Appeal to Charity; American Red Cross, 1917
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I love this
Earn While You Learn Copywriting Opportunity! Need Volunteers!
Hey all! This is a really casual call to check out an "Earn while you Learn" course I'm working on. I want to teach copywriters the absolute basics, and then slowly build up their skills in real go-to market campaigns. I'm going to offer a tracking sheet, instructions, weekly action steps and feedback. I basically just need a few people willing to check out the idea for now. Let me know if it's something they'd be interested in. Just comment "interested" and I'll give you access. <3
New comment 13d ago
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Francis Abugu
14points to level up
I am Francis Abugu a beginner in copywriting

Active 4h ago
Joined Sep 3, 2024
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