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28 contributions to Recode Collective
Ancient Druidic Language
Twilight Language, also known as “sandhya bhasa,” is an esoteric, symbolic, and mystical form of language used in various spiritual traditions, primarily within Buddhism, Hinduism, and Druidic practices. It is characterized by its use of metaphors, symbols, and coded language to convey deep spiritual and mystical truths that are not immediately apparent to the uninitiated. Here are the key aspects of Twilight Language: 1. Symbolism: Twilight Language uses symbolic language to convey spiritual truths. These symbols often have multiple layers of meaning and require deep understanding and insight to be interpreted correctly. 2. Mystical and Esoteric: It is used to convey teachings that are considered too profound or sacred to be expressed in ordinary language. It often relates to higher spiritual states, mystical experiences, and esoteric doctrines. 3. Secrecy: The language is intentionally obscure and cryptic, often used in sacred texts, rituals, and teachings that are meant to be understood only by those who have been properly initiated into the tradition. 4. Mantras and Rituals: In Tantric practices, Twilight Language is often used in mantras and rituals. The words and phrases may have specific vibrational qualities that are believed to affect the practitioner on a subtle or spiritual level. 5. Spiritual Communication: It is believed to be a way of communicating with higher realms of consciousness, deities, or spiritual beings. The language serves as a bridge between the mundane and the divine. Try Chanting this mantra to feel its power when you are in a meditative state. “In the moonlit grove, the silver stag drinks from the crystal stream, while the raven whispers secrets to the ancient oak.” Twilight Language (Symbolic Interpretation): • Moonlit grove: Represents a sacred space or state of heightened awareness. • Silver stag: Symbolizes purity, spiritual quest, and divine inspiration. • Crystal stream: Represents clarity, purity of thought, and the flow of spiritual knowledge.
New comment Aug 8
0 likes • Jul 20
I want to try this. I've been so off my pracrices because I've been sick. This really reminds me of Egypt and also I have this amazing book of older alphabets (runes, draconic alphabet, witches alphabet etc) that I thought might be a good way to incorporate light codes visually....but what if visual light codes are these symbols and not just geometric ones. I've really been tossing this around a lot..
0 likes • Aug 8
@Kirsten Rhode I just read this now as I dont have the skool app working yet so many notifications aren't working. I got MAJOR third eye chakra tingle confirmations when I read this reply of yours. ❤️
Ancient meditation
Hey everyone! Today, I want to tell you about a special way to meditate that comes from old Tibetan practices. Imagine sitting in a small room with shiny mirrors all around you. These mirrors are made of copper, which is a special kind of metal. Now, above your head, there’s a big magnet. For boys, the magnet is placed one way, and for girls, it’s placed the opposite way. You sit quietly and meditate, or think deeply, for a long time – about 2 to 3 hours each time, maybe even twice or three times a day! Why do we do this? Well, the shiny mirrors and the magnet work together to help you feel super calm and focused. It can make your mind very strong and might even help you feel more connected to the world in a special way. A famous person named Ingo Swann used this method to explore how we can see and understand things far away, even without being there. This helps us learn more about how our minds work and how powerful they can be. So, it's like a special kind of superhero training for your mind!
New comment Aug 8
0 likes • Aug 8
I just watched this video I want to try it. I feel it will also help with migraines.
Don’t forget to speak to your soul
The purpose of this life experience is to gather all the parts of our soul and become whole again. Most people speak to their higher self which is the highest version of our soul that exists outside of this space time but many forget to speak to the actual soul which contains all of those pieces in our soul cluster and soul family. These are the pieces of our soul that we get to gather back together. Speaking to the soul is very important because it not only contains the best version of you but all the versions of you and your soul family that are fragments of the self. By healing and speaking to the soul you heal those in your soul cluster which is likely your immediate friends and family. Your friends and family are almost always involved in your soul cluster and comprise the oversoul (also called the soul cluster) This process allows to to speak to all of their higher selves and allows us to heal those relationships. These relationships are significant lessons for your souls growth and must he healed before we are allowed to move on. This includes letting go with love to all of our soul clusters knowing we will reunite with them one day. Speaking to your soul calls the fragments of all of those pieces back to union. Each fragment of our soul during this human incarnation is an attempt to help heal traumas and experiences that have happened in previous incarnations. This is why you feel so close to certain friends because they are versions of you. When we speak to our soul we speak to the collective consciousness of you. The I AM.
New comment Jul 30
0 likes • Jul 30
I feel like I don't know what I feels like to speak to my higher self/soul vs a guide or angel..I have trouble differentiaitng energies.
Colors intertwining energetically ❤️💚
A few week ago I was in meditation with the intention of meeting my masculine and feminine self. When my inner masculine energy it felt very green, and my inner feminine was red. Last night before I went to sleep I was breathing and my inhale the color that came to me was green and the exhale was red. Funny. Because the inhale is feminine and the exhale is masculine. Earlier on in that day I search the colors up and turn out many culture believe green to be feminine and red to be masc. I continued to think about it and I still am a bit confused... But I will say the that I strongly feel as if the colors can be define by either Masc or femme so I thinking it has to do with no matter what energy there is there is always the other in balance these colors show. A metaphor for the fact that everything is both masculine and feminine even if it has been labeled one or the other. Maybe I was just tuning in to the masc side of green and the fem side of red. I would LOVE to know your opinions pls because I ought to ponder some more about this connection With love Soph
New comment Jul 20
1 like • Jul 4
Hi Sophie! So, is asked another person I highly trust in this subject for reiki and chakra reasons. I've not heard from them yet, but initlal intuitive response is that in order to you to be in a balanced DM, your DF must be balanced and vice versa, MEANINF your DM energy cannot be the oveririding energy when sitting in the DF. Likewise, DF energy cannot be the primary energy of you want to be in your DM. So....if your DM wasn't to come out and play, you need to tune into the opposite energy to balance it and quiet it down to feel the DM only. :) I think it's helping you to identify what each feels like alone. That's just my thoughts at the moment. 🥰
0 likes • Jul 20
@Kirsten Rhode agreed 💯 well said.
Gratitude is the best attitude - get weird with it! Humor is everything
🌟 Gratitude Game Plan: Today, let’s thank the universe for all the good stuff AND the weird stuff! • Thank you, coffee, for making me a morning person (sort of). • Thank you, socks, for always disappearing and making life a scavenger hunt. • Thank you, humanity for always keeping me on my toes and challenging me to remember that everything is a lesson for my highest good! •. Thank you, money for always showing up when I need you. When I find $5 in my old jeans – you’re like a ninja in my wardrobe! • Thank you, car, for starting in the morning and not making me practice my Olympic sprint to the bus stop. • Thank you, home, for being a cozy sanctuary and for not judging me when I talk to myself • Mother Earth, for not giving up on us even when we use your oceans as a giant swimming pool • Our guides, for whispering wisdom in our ears, even when we don’t like the answer and proceed to ask you the same question 10 different ways to try to get a different response 😂 • The trees, for providing oxygen and being the original home decorators with those leaves. • Our animals, for being the best therapists with fur and for always knowing when we need a cuddle or a laugh and for not pooping on our rugs (hey it’s the small things) • The sun, for rising every day and making sure we don’t have to use flashlights 24/7. Thank you for being our own personal grow lamp! • Our parents, for being so patient with us, even when we acted like royal shits as teenagers and we humbly ask the karmic Gods to be gentle on us with our children •. Thank you, WiFi for keeping us connected and Netflix for making weekends magical! • And a special shoutout to my phone for autocorrecting “love” to “live” – reminding me to do both every day! Remember, gratitude is like duct tape: it fixes everything!
New comment Jul 20
1 like • Jul 20
YES I've been doing this I love it .
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Denise Bickford
4points to level up
Hi! My name is Denise. I am an animal empath and healer. :)

Active 17h ago
Joined May 17, 2024
Salem, NH
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