Ancient meditation
Hey everyone! Today, I want to tell you about a special way to meditate that comes from old Tibetan practices. Imagine sitting in a small room with shiny mirrors all around you. These mirrors are made of copper, which is a special kind of metal.
Now, above your head, there’s a big magnet. For boys, the magnet is placed one way, and for girls, it’s placed the opposite way. You sit quietly and meditate, or think deeply, for a long time – about 2 to 3 hours each time, maybe even twice or three times a day!
Why do we do this? Well, the shiny mirrors and the magnet work together to help you feel super calm and focused. It can make your mind very strong and might even help you feel more connected to the world in a special way.
A famous person named Ingo Swann used this method to explore how we can see and understand things far away, even without being there. This helps us learn more about how our minds work and how powerful they can be.
So, it's like a special kind of superhero training for your mind!
Kirsten Rhode
Ancient meditation
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