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Check out the new past life regression module today!!
Past lives are very important in understanding our souls journey. We have the veil of forgetfulness, but our soul knows where it’s come from and what it’s here to do. There is something called a Tikkun which is your soul mission on this earth. This idea suggests that humanity has a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of the world, spiritually and materially, by aligning with divine principles and correcting the brokenness in the world. On a personal level, a tikkun can refer to the rectification of one’s soul. It is believed that each soul may have specific challenges or imperfections that need to be addressed and healed in this lifetime, often linked to past actions or previous lifetimes. The process of tikkun involves self-reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth to achieve a more balanced and harmonious state of being. Please participate in doing the past life regression and write down what information comes through. Please share it with the group!
Harnessing the power of Meridian Healing for Self Transformation
Harnessing the Power of Meridian Healing for Self-Transformation In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our body’s meridians are pathways that channel vital energy, or Qi, throughout our system. These meridians influence not only our physical health but also our emotional and mental well-being. By understanding and working with these meridian systems, you can harness their energy to heal and balance your body, mind, and spirit. Below, we’ll explore key meridians and their roles in maintaining health, as well as how you can focus energy to bring about profound healing. The Heart Meridian: The King of Organs The Heart Meridian is known as the “King of Organs,” housing the vital essence and commanding all other organs and emotions. It is also considered the seat of the mind. When your heart is in balance, it supports a healthy mental state, regulates circulation, and fortifies your body’s defenses against disease. Imbalances in the heart meridian can manifest as emotional turmoil or physical symptoms such as speech impediments and a pallid complexion. The heart meridian starts near the armpit, runs down the lower inner arm, and ends at the tip of the little finger. Element: Fire Positive Emotion: Joy Negative Emotion: Arrogance The Lung Meridian: The Minister of Energy The Lung Meridian, second only to the heart in importance, is the “Prime Minister” of the body. It governs energy, circulation, and the connection between mind and body through breath. The lungs work with the heart to sustain life by regulating blood and Qi flow. Imbalances in this meridian can lead to respiratory issues, skin problems, and emotional states like despair and anxiety. The lung meridian begins at the shoulder, runs down the top of the inner arm, and ends at the corner of the thumbnail. Element: Metal Positive Emotion: Courage Negative Emotion: Grief The Stomach Meridian: The Sea of Nourishment The Stomach Meridian is responsible for the balance of elemental energies in the body and is crucial for digestion. Known as the “Sea of Nourishment,” it extracts energy from food and drink to sustain the body’s systems. An imbalance here can lead to digestive issues, mental confusion, and anxiety. The stomach meridian starts under the eye, follows the jawline, descends the throat, chest, and abdomen, and finally runs down the front of the legs to the big toe.
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The power of self love and authenticity: The key to transforming your life and helping others
In a world that often demands we wear masks and conform to societal expectations, the journey of self-love and authenticity can feel like a radical act. Yet, it is precisely this act—this unwavering commitment to be true to ourselves—that holds the power to transform our lives and ripple out to help others. Loving Yourself: The Foundation of a Fulfilled Life Self-love isn’t just about pampering yourself with spa days or treating yourself to something special, though those acts can be part of it. True self-love is about accepting every facet of who you are, even the parts that might not fit the mold of what the world deems “perfect.” It’s about embracing your flaws, your quirks, and your unique journey. When you love yourself, you create a foundation of confidence and inner peace, allowing you to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace. But loving yourself requires honesty. It requires looking in the mirror and acknowledging not just your strengths but also the areas where you need growth. It’s about facing the shadows, the insecurities, and the fears that hold you back. By shining a light on these parts of yourself, you empower yourself to heal, to grow, and to become the best version of who you are meant to be. The Power of Authenticity: Being True to Who You Are Authenticity is the ultimate form of self-love. It’s living in alignment with your true self—your values, your beliefs, your passions—without compromise. It means showing up in the world as you are, not as you think others want you to be. When you are authentic, you attract people and opportunities that resonate with your true essence. You create deeper, more meaningful connections, and life begins to flow with a sense of ease and alignment. But authenticity isn’t just about being true to yourself; it’s about being honest with yourself, too. It’s recognizing when you’ve strayed from your path, when you’re hiding parts of yourself out of fear or self-doubt. It’s about having the courage to course-correct, to make changes that bring you back into alignment with who you truly are.
Ancient meditation
Hey everyone! Today, I want to tell you about a special way to meditate that comes from old Tibetan practices. Imagine sitting in a small room with shiny mirrors all around you. These mirrors are made of copper, which is a special kind of metal. Now, above your head, there’s a big magnet. For boys, the magnet is placed one way, and for girls, it’s placed the opposite way. You sit quietly and meditate, or think deeply, for a long time – about 2 to 3 hours each time, maybe even twice or three times a day! Why do we do this? Well, the shiny mirrors and the magnet work together to help you feel super calm and focused. It can make your mind very strong and might even help you feel more connected to the world in a special way. A famous person named Ingo Swann used this method to explore how we can see and understand things far away, even without being there. This helps us learn more about how our minds work and how powerful they can be. So, it's like a special kind of superhero training for your mind!
New comment Aug 8
Ancient Druidic Language
Twilight Language, also known as “sandhya bhasa,” is an esoteric, symbolic, and mystical form of language used in various spiritual traditions, primarily within Buddhism, Hinduism, and Druidic practices. It is characterized by its use of metaphors, symbols, and coded language to convey deep spiritual and mystical truths that are not immediately apparent to the uninitiated. Here are the key aspects of Twilight Language: 1. Symbolism: Twilight Language uses symbolic language to convey spiritual truths. These symbols often have multiple layers of meaning and require deep understanding and insight to be interpreted correctly. 2. Mystical and Esoteric: It is used to convey teachings that are considered too profound or sacred to be expressed in ordinary language. It often relates to higher spiritual states, mystical experiences, and esoteric doctrines. 3. Secrecy: The language is intentionally obscure and cryptic, often used in sacred texts, rituals, and teachings that are meant to be understood only by those who have been properly initiated into the tradition. 4. Mantras and Rituals: In Tantric practices, Twilight Language is often used in mantras and rituals. The words and phrases may have specific vibrational qualities that are believed to affect the practitioner on a subtle or spiritual level. 5. Spiritual Communication: It is believed to be a way of communicating with higher realms of consciousness, deities, or spiritual beings. The language serves as a bridge between the mundane and the divine. Try Chanting this mantra to feel its power when you are in a meditative state. “In the moonlit grove, the silver stag drinks from the crystal stream, while the raven whispers secrets to the ancient oak.” Twilight Language (Symbolic Interpretation): • Moonlit grove: Represents a sacred space or state of heightened awareness. • Silver stag: Symbolizes purity, spiritual quest, and divine inspiration. • Crystal stream: Represents clarity, purity of thought, and the flow of spiritual knowledge.
New comment Aug 8
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