Check out the new past life regression module today!!
Past lives are very important in understanding our souls journey. We have the veil of forgetfulness, but our soul knows where it’s come from and what it’s here to do. There is something called a Tikkun which is your soul mission on this earth. This idea suggests that humanity has a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of the world, spiritually and materially, by aligning with divine principles and correcting the brokenness in the world.
On a personal level, a tikkun can refer to the rectification of one’s soul. It is believed that each soul may have specific challenges or imperfections that need to be addressed and healed in this lifetime, often linked to past actions or previous lifetimes. The process of tikkun involves self-reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth to achieve a more balanced and harmonious state of being.
Please participate in doing the past life regression and write down what information comes through. Please share it with the group!
Kirsten Rhode
Check out the new past life regression module today!!
Recode Collective
Exclusive Teachings that you won’t find being taught in the spiritual community.Healing trauma,connecting to your guides safely & using your gifts.
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