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Check out the new past life regression module today!!
Past lives are very important in understanding our souls journey. We have the veil of forgetfulness, but our soul knows where it’s come from and what it’s here to do. There is something called a Tikkun which is your soul mission on this earth. This idea suggests that humanity has a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of the world, spiritually and materially, by aligning with divine principles and correcting the brokenness in the world. On a personal level, a tikkun can refer to the rectification of one’s soul. It is believed that each soul may have specific challenges or imperfections that need to be addressed and healed in this lifetime, often linked to past actions or previous lifetimes. The process of tikkun involves self-reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth to achieve a more balanced and harmonious state of being. Please participate in doing the past life regression and write down what information comes through. Please share it with the group!
The power of self love and authenticity: The key to transforming your life and helping others
In a world that often demands we wear masks and conform to societal expectations, the journey of self-love and authenticity can feel like a radical act. Yet, it is precisely this act—this unwavering commitment to be true to ourselves—that holds the power to transform our lives and ripple out to help others. Loving Yourself: The Foundation of a Fulfilled Life Self-love isn’t just about pampering yourself with spa days or treating yourself to something special, though those acts can be part of it. True self-love is about accepting every facet of who you are, even the parts that might not fit the mold of what the world deems “perfect.” It’s about embracing your flaws, your quirks, and your unique journey. When you love yourself, you create a foundation of confidence and inner peace, allowing you to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace. But loving yourself requires honesty. It requires looking in the mirror and acknowledging not just your strengths but also the areas where you need growth. It’s about facing the shadows, the insecurities, and the fears that hold you back. By shining a light on these parts of yourself, you empower yourself to heal, to grow, and to become the best version of who you are meant to be. The Power of Authenticity: Being True to Who You Are Authenticity is the ultimate form of self-love. It’s living in alignment with your true self—your values, your beliefs, your passions—without compromise. It means showing up in the world as you are, not as you think others want you to be. When you are authentic, you attract people and opportunities that resonate with your true essence. You create deeper, more meaningful connections, and life begins to flow with a sense of ease and alignment. But authenticity isn’t just about being true to yourself; it’s about being honest with yourself, too. It’s recognizing when you’ve strayed from your path, when you’re hiding parts of yourself out of fear or self-doubt. It’s about having the courage to course-correct, to make changes that bring you back into alignment with who you truly are.
The importance of honest assessments
Embracing Honest Self-Assessment: The Key to Authentic Relationships and Personal Growth When we get triggered by others and become defensive, it often signals that we have unresolved emotions and behaviors that need our attention. In the spiritual community, there’s a belief that everything must change to embody love and light completely. However, this expectation is unrealistic and can lead to self-resentment when we can’t meet such lofty standards. Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, we can’t expect to erase deep-seated patterns and behaviors instantly. Promising ourselves dramatic changes sets up an environment where we inevitably disappoint ourselves and others. Instead of setting unattainable goals, it’s crucial to be honest about where we are in our personal development. Taking the time we need for genuine change should be perfectly acceptable. When we strive for perfection and fail to express our true comfort levels, we set ourselves up to overpromise and underdeliver. In our quest to improve relationships and foster love, grand promises often stem from good intentions but can lead to disappointment and a sense of unfulfillment when not followed through. Honest self-assessment is vital for building authentic and lasting relationships. Overpromising can perpetuate a cycle of guilt. Often, the desire to please or make amends drives us to make grand promises. However, when we fail to fulfill these promises, it leads to guilt and self-criticism, hindering personal growth and affecting our overall well-being. Being honest about where we are in our personal development allows us to present our true selves to others. Authenticity fosters deeper connections and mutual understanding, as people appreciate and respect honesty. Small, consistent efforts are more sustainable and lead to meaningful change over time. Honest communication about our capabilities and limitations builds a foundation of reliability. Others are more likely to trust and support us when they know we are genuine about our journey.
Colors intertwining energetically ❤️💚
A few week ago I was in meditation with the intention of meeting my masculine and feminine self. When my inner masculine energy it felt very green, and my inner feminine was red. Last night before I went to sleep I was breathing and my inhale the color that came to me was green and the exhale was red. Funny. Because the inhale is feminine and the exhale is masculine. Earlier on in that day I search the colors up and turn out many culture believe green to be feminine and red to be masc. I continued to think about it and I still am a bit confused... But I will say the that I strongly feel as if the colors can be define by either Masc or femme so I thinking it has to do with no matter what energy there is there is always the other in balance these colors show. A metaphor for the fact that everything is both masculine and feminine even if it has been labeled one or the other. Maybe I was just tuning in to the masc side of green and the fem side of red. I would LOVE to know your opinions pls because I ought to ponder some more about this connection With love Soph
New comment Jul 20
Gratitude is the best attitude - get weird with it! Humor is everything
🌟 Gratitude Game Plan: Today, let’s thank the universe for all the good stuff AND the weird stuff! • Thank you, coffee, for making me a morning person (sort of). • Thank you, socks, for always disappearing and making life a scavenger hunt. • Thank you, humanity for always keeping me on my toes and challenging me to remember that everything is a lesson for my highest good! •. Thank you, money for always showing up when I need you. When I find $5 in my old jeans – you’re like a ninja in my wardrobe! • Thank you, car, for starting in the morning and not making me practice my Olympic sprint to the bus stop. • Thank you, home, for being a cozy sanctuary and for not judging me when I talk to myself • Mother Earth, for not giving up on us even when we use your oceans as a giant swimming pool • Our guides, for whispering wisdom in our ears, even when we don’t like the answer and proceed to ask you the same question 10 different ways to try to get a different response 😂 • The trees, for providing oxygen and being the original home decorators with those leaves. • Our animals, for being the best therapists with fur and for always knowing when we need a cuddle or a laugh and for not pooping on our rugs (hey it’s the small things) • The sun, for rising every day and making sure we don’t have to use flashlights 24/7. Thank you for being our own personal grow lamp! • Our parents, for being so patient with us, even when we acted like royal shits as teenagers and we humbly ask the karmic Gods to be gentle on us with our children •. Thank you, WiFi for keeping us connected and Netflix for making weekends magical! • And a special shoutout to my phone for autocorrecting “love” to “live” – reminding me to do both every day! Remember, gratitude is like duct tape: it fixes everything!
New comment Jul 20
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Recode Collective
Exclusive Teachings that you won’t find being taught in the spiritual community.Healing trauma,connecting to your guides safely & using your gifts.
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