The importance of honest assessments
Embracing Honest Self-Assessment: The Key to Authentic Relationships and Personal Growth
When we get triggered by others and become defensive, it often signals that we have unresolved emotions and behaviors that need our attention. In the spiritual community, there’s a belief that everything must change to embody love and light completely. However, this expectation is unrealistic and can lead to self-resentment when we can’t meet such lofty standards.
Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, we can’t expect to erase deep-seated patterns and behaviors instantly. Promising ourselves dramatic changes sets up an environment where we inevitably disappoint ourselves and others. Instead of setting unattainable goals, it’s crucial to be honest about where we are in our personal development. Taking the time we need for genuine change should be perfectly acceptable.
When we strive for perfection and fail to express our true comfort levels, we set ourselves up to overpromise and underdeliver. In our quest to improve relationships and foster love, grand promises often stem from good intentions but can lead to disappointment and a sense of unfulfillment when not followed through. Honest self-assessment is vital for building authentic and lasting relationships.
Overpromising can perpetuate a cycle of guilt. Often, the desire to please or make amends drives us to make grand promises. However, when we fail to fulfill these promises, it leads to guilt and self-criticism, hindering personal growth and affecting our overall well-being.
Being honest about where we are in our personal development allows us to present our true selves to others. Authenticity fosters deeper connections and mutual understanding, as people appreciate and respect honesty. Small, consistent efforts are more sustainable and lead to meaningful change over time. Honest communication about our capabilities and limitations builds a foundation of reliability. Others are more likely to trust and support us when they know we are genuine about our journey.
By being honest, we relieve a significant amount of stress. Overpromising and failing to deliver creates a self-perpetuating cycle of disappointment and resentment, similar to why politicians often face public discontent. If we want to create a new, more authentic system, it must start with us.
Remember, it’s okay to be wherever you are in your journey. People will respect your honesty more than unfulfilled promises. If someone doesn’t appreciate your honesty, that’s okay too. It’s normal to feel stuck; the only way to move forward is to recognize and reassess your situation. Give yourself grace, be kind to yourself, and focus on progress, not perfection.
Kirsten Rhode
The importance of honest assessments
Recode Collective
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