Gratitude is the best attitude - get weird with it! Humor is everything
🌟 Gratitude Game Plan: Today, let’s thank the universe for all the good stuff AND the weird stuff!
• Thank you, coffee, for making me a morning person (sort of).
• Thank you, socks, for always disappearing and making life a scavenger hunt.
• Thank you, humanity for always keeping me on my toes and challenging me to remember that everything is a lesson for my highest good!
•. Thank you, money for always showing up when I need you. When I find $5 in my old jeans – you’re like a ninja in my wardrobe!
• Thank you, car, for starting in the morning and not making me practice my Olympic sprint to the bus stop.
• Thank you, home, for being a cozy sanctuary and for not judging me when I talk to myself
• Mother Earth, for not giving up on us even when we use your oceans as a giant swimming pool
• Our guides, for whispering wisdom in our ears, even when we don’t like the answer and proceed to ask you the same question 10 different ways to try to get a different response 😂
• The trees, for providing oxygen and being the original home decorators with those leaves.
• Our animals, for being the best therapists with fur and for always knowing when we need a cuddle or a laugh and for not pooping on our rugs (hey it’s the small things)
• The sun, for rising every day and making sure we don’t have to use flashlights 24/7. Thank you for being our own personal grow lamp!
• Our parents, for being so patient with us, even when we acted like royal shits as teenagers and we humbly ask the karmic Gods to be gentle on us with our children
•. Thank you, WiFi for keeping us connected and Netflix for making weekends magical!
• And a special shoutout to my phone for autocorrecting “love” to “live” – reminding me to do both every day!
Remember, gratitude is like duct tape: it fixes everything!
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Kirsten Rhode
Gratitude is the best attitude - get weird with it! Humor is everything
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