Don’t forget to speak to your soul
The purpose of this life experience is to gather all the parts of our soul and become whole again. Most people speak to their higher self which is the highest version of our soul that exists outside of this space time but many forget to speak to the actual soul which contains all of those pieces in our soul cluster and soul family. These are the pieces of our soul that we get to gather back together. Speaking to the soul is very important because it not only contains the best version of you but all the versions of you and your soul family that are fragments of the self. By healing and speaking to the soul you heal those in your soul cluster which is likely your immediate friends and family. Your friends and family are almost always involved in your soul cluster and comprise the oversoul (also called the soul cluster) This process allows to to speak to all of their higher selves and allows us to heal those relationships. These relationships are significant lessons for your souls growth and must he healed before we are allowed to move on. This includes letting go with love to all of our soul clusters knowing we will reunite with them one day.
Speaking to your soul calls the fragments of all of those pieces back to union. Each fragment of our soul during this human incarnation is an attempt to help heal traumas and experiences that have happened in previous incarnations. This is why you feel so close to certain friends because they are versions of you. When we speak to our soul we speak to the collective consciousness of you. The I AM.
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Kirsten Rhode
Don’t forget to speak to your soul
Recode Collective
Exclusive Teachings that you won’t find being taught in the spiritual community.Healing trauma,connecting to your guides safely & using your gifts.
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