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Free Kettlebell Transformation

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112 contributions to Free Kettlebell Transformation
24 Hour Shut Down Notice (+ Special Offer To Try The Kettlebell Academy FREE for 7 Days)
Hey everyone! Just wanted to thank all of you who joined and participated in this free group. The time has finally come - tomorrow (Wednesday, Apr 24th) @ 12PM EST we'll be officially CLOSING this group down. If you've enjoyed the content we've put out and you want more of it, I'd highly encourage you to check out The Kettlebell Academy (KBA)! We've had over 130 men join the KBA in the month since launching, and the feedback has been very positive. 🎁 Here is a special link to start a 7-day KBA Trial for FREE: The free trial will be well worth it regardless if you choose to continue, as you'll get instant access to nine unique bonuses valued at over $3,397 AND the first 4-weeks of 'done-for-you-programming' in our Kettlebell Academy Training Roadmap (over 2.5 years in total!) Thank you again for your support! Hope to see you inside the KBA, Sean & Grant
New comment Apr 28
24 Hour Shut Down Notice (+ Special Offer To Try The Kettlebell Academy FREE for 7 Days)
1 like • Apr 25
What's that saying... "So long and thanks for all the fish!" :) Thanks for your and Grant's time and energy setting up this platform and providing the information and inspiration you have. Onward!
48kg Getup!
After something like 8 months of basically just using the Flagship program I hit my first 48kg getup yesterday and it felt pretty strong. I was skeptical that my smaller 5'9" 168lb frame could actually make it there, but trusted the progressive overload model and kept grinding. @Grant Anderson and @Sean Griffin if I can do this following a free 4 week cycle from you guys I'm curious what I can accomplish with the Academy. Might have to try it out for a few months.
New comment Mar 28
1 like • Mar 27
Awesome! Great job!
Milestone Bell
Okay- it’s been a minute since I’ve posted- but I’ve been going thru the flagship program now for 6 months. It is just what I do now- and I’m still loving it! I had never used KBs for training, and coming off elbow surgery- I started small and humble at 16kg GU/20kg Swings. I’m now needing to buy my first 48kg bell to start working it in on my heavy swings!! 👀👀💪🏻💪🏻. I’ve been looking forward to this day - but now I’m left with a dilemma (a fun dilemma). WHAT 48KG BELL DO I BUY??? I want something special to commemorate the occasion- I have mostly all Rogue bells and a few Lifeline (Amazon) bells. So I thought I’d ask the community of big boys @Grant Anderson @Sean Griffin @Tom Kortegaard @Bas De ruyter @Rhys Evans @David Hall @Nathan Visser @Nate Dye @Jacob Nuesser - what should I get???
New comment Feb 27
Milestone Bell
4 likes • Feb 4
Awesome! I’m favor consistency where possible so go for the Rogue, but maybe give the bell a shiny coat of gold spray paint to mark the occasion!
Training Log
I'm looking for consistency right now. I've started the Flagship program twice and each time only got mid-way through the second week before getting knocked of the wagon. I've used the Step Progression model in the past to level up my two hand swing and getups, and for now plan to go back to what I know works for me. While I work on consistency with my training frequency and consistent progress with the weights, I'm also going to work on consistency with the other factors as well: sleep, water, food, walking.
New comment Jan 2
3 likes • Jan 1
Happy New Year everyone! Quick update… covid, laziness, and a broken toe. What a way to end the year and start a new one. My “bug” from Thanksgiving was Covid. I had the “flu-like” and “tastes/smells like cigarette smoke” symptoms. Overall, not too bad. This caused me to lose momentum though. In December I only performed a few sets of swings with my moderate kb, largely due to laziness. At the time I was thinking that (other than “today”) the new year is the best time to get started again… and then on the 30th I slid on the stairs at home and broke a toe! Based on experience with a different broken toe earlier in 2023, I plan to hold off kettlebells for two weeks or so, then start working on lighter weight swings and goblet squats and go from there. Getups will likely need to wait longer due to the extra pressure on the toes when standing from the lunge position. While it’s frustrating, I’m not disheartened. It’s a long road and I want to be smart about it.
2 likes • Jan 2
Thanks @Joe Zaga! You’re right, this is a good opportunity to spend time on other movements. My upper body definitely needs work, so I’ll work in the press and think of a few other movements. Pull-ups are a hard “no”, although that probably means it’s what I should be working on. 😂
What’s your fasting protocol, how often?
New comment Jan 2
1 like • Jan 1
The basic 16/8 for me, but occasionally find myself closer to 20/4. I’ve done a few OMADs unintentionally and felt great.
1-10 of 112
David Hall
244points to level up
Husband, father of 3 teenage boys.

Active 64d ago
Joined Jul 4, 2023
Beaverton, Oregon
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