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7 contributions to KetoforCancer
Salmon and Chicken VS Beef
Hey guys, dunno could this perhaps help someone so I said I'd post. About two weeks ago I changed to eating salmon and chicken instead of beef as I was getting the ick from eating beef so much. I foud that my glucose has been overall lower with salmon/chicken and I have been able to eat about 20g more protein in a day and skill have my GKI under 2. I had chosen beef to eat originally as I wanted bang for my protein buck but I realise now, I really should have experimented with different proteins to begin with to see which one gave me the best GKI. Just thought I'd share in case anyone else has the same physiology as we and wants to eat more protein or could improve their GKI numbers! I wonder is beef more glycolic than chicken and fish!
New comment 2d ago
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I love chicken stir fried in ghee with some good salami chunks and avocado oil. The salami brings some more taste and a rounded flavour profile (just trying to sound like a chef)
Celebrating a win
New to this journey. Starting chemo again this morning (NZT) just did my GKI and it is the first time I have got it under 2. It is 1.8. A real boost going into chemo. Just wanted to say thanks for the knowledge and support. Ketosis is an amazing thing. So personalised. Has taken a couple of weeks to find the things that work for my body. Has been a great experience getting to know how my metabolism works. So cool having a community of like minded souls with amazing resources. May you all find some smiles today.
New comment 8d ago
Sauna gets my ketosis popping
I have found doing a sauna after dinner really gets my metabolism going almost like a mini workout. Due to a tumour collapsing part of a lung recently (it has inflated again) and radiation I can’t work out much past brisk walks. My infrared sauna is priceless. Seems to jump my ketones up. Anyone have a similar experience?
New comment 9d ago
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@Kimberly Smith I wanted one for so long. Was stoked to find a one person infrared sauna was not too expensive as well!
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@Cynthia Odu those numbers are impressive compared to mine. I am early on the journey. Only a week in so my ketones are only around 1.3. Doing a comparison with the same meal is a great idea! Thanks for the reply
Super Sunday Story-Time!
Hi guys, this time for something different, something more personal: Tell us your most entertaining / disturbing / enlightening / dis-encouraging conversation story that you encountered, while talking to your MD or oncologist about Dr. Seyfrieds metabolic approach: What was their opinion towards all of this? :--)
Complete action
New comment 8d ago
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My Oncologist is open minded and interested in the approach. Has supported most repurposed drugs as long as I tell him. He is very sceptical about Fenbendazole as he hasn’t been able to find much evidence and patient reports like Tippens also used Keytruda so there could have been a complementary effect. Generally I am stoked he supports it. I look at my chemo as being the pulse. Thanks for all the knowledge in this group
0 likes • 10d
@Egg Scrambled great to know!
Hi everyone! New member!
My name is Diana Beatrix, I’m 32 years old, mother of two. I had surgery on the right side of my tongue 7 weeks ago because of an ulceration that didn’t heal by itself( I had it for almost 1 year and it was getting worse). It turned out to be a squamous cell carcinoma, stage 2, infiltrative (with perineural invasion, without lymphovascular invation). HPV virus not detected. I already went to the oncologist, and they want to surgically remove my lymph node(on the right side) and also another tongue surgery to clean the area better. They also said that I will have to go trough radiotherapy. Of course I would like to avoid surgery and radiotherapy. I am very interested in a metabolic approach because I believe in it and understand it. I would also like to know if anyone went or is going trough a similar situation (any information helps). Thank you very much, blessings to all of you!
New comment 10d ago
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Dai Henwood
26points to level up
Stage 4 colon cancer. Diagnosed in 2020. Happy husband and father

Active 3d ago
Joined Sep 3, 2024
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