Hi everyone! New member!
My name is Diana Beatrix, I’m 32 years old, mother of two.
I had surgery on the right side of my tongue 7 weeks ago because of an ulceration that didn’t heal by itself( I had it for almost 1 year and it was getting worse). It turned out to be a squamous cell carcinoma, stage 2, infiltrative (with perineural invasion, without lymphovascular invation). HPV virus not detected. I already went to the oncologist, and they want to surgically remove my lymph node(on the right side) and also another tongue surgery to clean the area better. They also said that I will have to go trough radiotherapy. Of course I would like to avoid surgery and radiotherapy. I am very interested in a metabolic approach because I believe in it and understand it.
I would also like to know if anyone went or is going trough a similar situation (any information helps).
Thank you very much, blessings to all of you!
Diana Beatrix Oana
Hi everyone! New member!
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