Salmon and Chicken VS Beef
Hey guys, dunno could this perhaps help someone so I said I'd post. About two weeks ago I changed to eating salmon and chicken instead of beef as I was getting the ick from eating beef so much. I foud that my glucose has been overall lower with salmon/chicken and I have been able to eat about 20g more protein in a day and skill have my GKI under 2. I had chosen beef to eat originally as I wanted bang for my protein buck but I realise now, I really should have experimented with different proteins to begin with to see which one gave me the best GKI. Just thought I'd share in case anyone else has the same physiology as we and wants to eat more protein or could improve their GKI numbers! I wonder is beef more glycolic than chicken and fish!
Rioghnach O'Leary
Salmon and Chicken VS Beef
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